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子弹密集地射向我们。Bullets were spatting down on us.

公交站点20米,公交车密集。Bus station 20 meters thick, bus.

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密集恐惧症是一种对孔洞的恐惧。Trypophobia is the fear of holes.

那是一个为期10天的密集训练。It was a ten-day intensive training.

你知道什么是密集冰吗?Do you know what is conglomerated ice?

城市建筑密集区分外炎热。Densely build areas of cities trap heat.

从天篷走道被见到的密集的雨林。Dense Rainforest seen from Canopy Walkway.

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宛如无数密集拥挤的蠕虫。Serried, swarming, like a million maggots.

只有雨滴激起密集的吧嗒声。Only the rain aroused intensive click sound.

每平方码密集地聚集着300个。Packed as densely as 300 to the square yard.

我们集中密集的火力向敌人攻击。We concentrated intensive fire on the enemy.

导弹密集发射击中利比亚防空目标。Barrage of Missiles Hits Air-Defense Targets.

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密集的灌木丛就像广阔的宇宙As if its pleated thickets were the wide space

乌云密集我们匆匆赶回家。Stormclouds were gathering so we hurried home.

发展密集庭院经济。At last, develop intensive courtyard economies.

反坦克和巴掌,中度愈合密集。Tank and Spank, moderate healing intensiveness.

他们给我上了两天的密集课程。They gave me like a two-day crash course Kelly.

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我想他可能是热情和密集。And I think he may be passionless and intensive.

黑条缺陷是黑丝缺陷的密集形态。Black stripe is the congregation of the black silk.

它寻找运动员并开始密集的训练。It found the athletes and began intensive training.