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我不再钻在牛角尖里。I am not going to drill in the Horn Lane.

豁达大度,就卟至于转入死胡同或牛角尖。Huodataidu on porphyrin As for the Horn into a blind alley or.

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非常恐怖的是,我们可以清楚地看到牛角尖甚至从他的嘴巴里穿了出来。To our horror, we can clearly see the horn point coming out of his mouth.

对于一家足球俱乐部的生命和成长,这说法是个牛角尖。It is a dead-end basis for an argument about the life and growth of a football club.

不过,正是因为这套完整的框架才使得学者们对某些具体问题的研究走上了定势思维的“牛角尖”。But scholars are trapped in the dead angle of the research because of that intact frame.

把你的恶梦写下来,或者跟别人倾诉,以防止砖牛角尖。Write down your nightmare, or tell someone else about it to stop the continual thoughts.

只是牛时有牛脾气,还爱甩牛角尖,这就使得有人不大喜欢它。Only beef cattle temper from time to time, but also love rejection dead end, which makes some people do not like it.

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又比如12盎司装的红牛的推出,把许多红牛消费者逼到了选择的牛角尖——“和12盎司的比,8.3盎司的太不划算了,可另一方面,我又习惯了喝小包装的红牛,现在可怎么办呢?”The 8.3-ounce cans look expensive compared to the 12-ounce cans. On the other hand, I'm used to drinking Red Bull in the smaller cans.

在生活中,一定要让自己豁达些,因为豁达的自己才不至于钻入牛角尖,也才能乐观进取。In your life, be sure to make yourself more magnanimous , for a person like that won't be puzzled with insoluble problems and can be optimistic.

所谓寓言,如果我们一定要转牛角尖的话,就是他们必须意指某种事物,而当中的人物带给观众的不能仅仅只是一个问号。The thing about fables, if we are to take them seriously, is that they have to mean something and the characters have to add up to more than question marks.

他认为辐射可以刺激人大脑的压力系统,“让人更加觉醒、更加爱专牛角尖、削弱人放松身心和入睡的能力。”He believes that the radiation may activate the brain's stress system, "making people more alert and more focused, and decreasing their ability to wind down and fall asleep".

没有这样的优势被赋予我们这个可怕的脱节的人类社会,因此,我们变得丑陋,越加的好胜,好争吵,专牛角尖,越加的无能。No such advantage is conferred in our terrible modern and disconnected human world. And so we get uglier, more competitive and quarrelsome, and more, in every sense of the word, unfit.

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我担心人们会钻这些IPCC成员的牛角尖,然后出去说,气温将升高一度,而某些人则说,气温将升高六度。I'm wonied about people grabbing these IPCC numbers and then going out there and saying, oh, it's only going to warm up by one degree, 'and somebody else saying it's going to warm up by six.

用激光探针分幅成象诊断技术,发现并研究了出现在线状聚焦激光产生的等离子体冕区的大尺度“牛角尖”状的喷流结构。By using multi-frame optical probing photography, we have discovered and investigated the large-scale "Horn Tip" plasma jet structures in the coronal region of line-focused laser-produced plasmas.