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谁演唱这首歌的?Who sings this song?

我喜欢她的演唱风格。I like her singing style.

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他以颤声演唱了民歌。He quavered out folk songs.

他不能专为戴大礼帽的演唱。He can't sing for tall hats.

他的演唱将在七月份开始。His concert will being in July.

一个民歌手的随意的演唱风格。A folk singer's casual delivery.

听众要求歌唱者再演唱一次。The audience encored the singer.

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她在钢琴伴奏下演唱。He sang to a piano accompaniment.

那个流行音乐演唱队多次获得成功。That pop group has had many hits.

这首由范玮琪演唱的歌听起来很优美。The song by Fan Weiqi sounds nice.

通过这个“麦克”,Les开始演唱。Into this "mike" Les began to sing.

歌手声嘶力竭地演唱,连嗓子都喊哑了。The singer screamed herself hoarse.

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人们听到她在音乐会上演唱。不定词强调事实。She was heard to sing in the concert.

由伟联演唱的电视剧主题曲。TV drama theme songs sang by Wei Lian.

史诗的演唱充满了丰富的音乐性和节奏感。It is rich in musical melody and rhythm.

星期天傍晚现场原音演唱!Live acoustic music this Sunday evening!

在这里,他们演唱“吉米罗杰斯的梦想。”Here they perform "Jimmie Rodgers Dream."

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YG家族也要举办全球巡迴演唱对吧?YG Family should hold a World Tour right?

普拉西多·多明戈演唱他的爱情小夜曲。Placido Domingo sang his serenade of love.

罗琦的确懂得如何声情并茂地演唱一首歌曲。Rosie really knows how to belt out a song.