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是当今祛皱产品中的骄子。It is the best wrinkle removal product today.

全棉的,健康的,骄子的,这是我们的追求。Cotton, healthy and proud, and this is our pursuit.

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那个男孩是一位得天独厚的天子骄子。That boy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

中国同样已经开始接收PMU-2型“骄子”系统。China has also started to receive the PMU-2 'Favorit' system.

弗朗西斯是篮球场上的骄子。Stevie Franchise was a thing of beauty on the basketball court.

但是他一出宫殿,四颗炸弹在他骄子旁爆炸。As he left the palace, however, four bombs were thrown at his carriage.

艾塞克斯的骄子将在伦敦洛兹板球场为这一季的板球赛揭幕。Essex's favourite son will open at Lord's to launch the cricket season.

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骄子人将孜孜不倦的努力为您的生活增添新色彩新概念!!!Proud people will be worked tirelessly for your life the new concept of adding a new color! ! !

她还是著名的"天桥骄子"真人秀节目主持人,并在2008年荣获权威奖项皮博迪奖。She hosts the reality show "Project Runway" and received the prestigious Peabody Award in 2008.

每个世纪都有自己的骄子,进入20世纪以后,建筑艺术达到了新的高潮。Every century has its giants, but when the world moved into the 20th century, architecture reached new heights.

这些普林斯顿大学的骄子们都无意识地被拉入了如同发薪日贷款一般的陷阱,这种陷阱带来的损害是永无止境的。These brilliant Princeton kids were rushing to the equivalent of payday lenders, to their own long-term detriment.

这种谦逊的缺乏可能令这些金融骄子们损失惨重,因为这会使政客和新闻界促然形成越来越多的敌对联盟。This lack of humility could cost moneymen dear as it whips politicians and the press into an increasingly hostile alliance.

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大学生是国之骄子,是国之栋梁,是先进思潮的传送带。College students are the pride of the country, the pillars of the country and the conveyor belts of an advanced trend of thought.

如果你是这少数者的其中一员,专长于这一领域者,天子骄子,在未来的日子里将有一堆生意等着你。If you’re one of the few, the proud, who specializes in this area, you’re likely to have plenty of business in the upcoming years.

紫金石是石中骄子,她那飘逸秀丽的彩带如彩虹划过雨霁后的天空那样,让人清新和振奋。Pride in a purple stone are stone, her elegant beautiful ribbons as was Rainbow across the sky after the rain we so fresh and exciting.

企业家被人们誉为“和平经济年代的真正的英雄”、“民族经济的栋梁”、“是当之无愧的时代的骄子”。The entrepreneurs are praised as "true heroes in peaceful economy age", "pillars of national economy" and "honorable favorite sons of the era".

青年学生是近代中国社会的一股新兴势力,既被视为新社会的“骄子”,又被看做旧社会的“叛徒”。Young students in modern Chinese society at the moment was a new force, seen as both the"pride"of the new society, and the"traitors"of the old society.

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您将得到的是一个充满爱心、热爱运动、喜欢学习、尊重别人、自立自强的“山海骄子”!What you will obtain is one caring, deeply loves the movement, to like studying, respecting others, to be independent and self-reliant "the mountain sea spoiled child"!

将近80年前,20世纪伟大的经济学家之一、英伦骄子约翰.梅纳德.凯恩斯在英国政府一个委员会会议上发言。Almost eighty years ago, one of the 20th Century’s great economists and a leading Englishman of his day, John Maynard Keynes, appeared before a British government committee.

郑和是海外探险世家的骄子,继承了其父辈、祖辈勇于开拓、不畏艰险的精神,获知了有关西洋的风物和航海知识,终于成为伟大的航海家。Zheng, inheriting the family tradition as being courageous and enterprising, and with some knowledge of navigation and custom in the westerns seas, finally became a great navigator.