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能够与你共事,是我梦寐以求的事情。You are a dream to work with.

哦,神圣的主啊,唯如你所愿乃我梦寐以求。Divine Master, grant that I might seek.

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所以这两个是我梦寐以求想去工作的地方。祝我好运吧。so those are, you know, fingers crossed.

什么时候买你梦寐以求的房子?When do you want to buy that dream house?

当然只有少部分人能够拥有这些梦寐以求的奖品。But only a few will possess the coveted prizes.

这是所心仪已久的。梦寐以求的。That is what we've long expected and dreamed of.

有时你丢弃的东西是别人梦寐以求的宝贝。Sometimes your castoff are other people's treasure.

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Ok的出典成了词源学梦寐以求的圣杯。The origin of OK became the Holy Grail of etymology.

对一些人来说,他是梦寐以求的代课老师。For some, he is the substitute teacher of their dreams.

她一生所梦寐以求的便是在韦尔斯利学院执教。All her life she had wanted to teach at Wellesley College.

毕竟,高尔夫球手梦寐以求的,无非是在比赛中少打三杆。Because dropping three strokes is a sleepy golfer’s dream.

有些游客或许把梦寐以求的旅行安排在奥运期间来观看运动会。tourists may time long-wished-for trips to watch the sport.

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这是我们所心仪已久的。也是我们梦寐以求的。That is what we've expected for long and what we've dreamed.

背上行囊去远方,那个梦寐以求的目的地。On the back of the pack to the distance, the dream destination.

这些都是本地区人民梦寐以求的。These are the issues the people in the region desperately need.

事实很简单,中国对于控制世界梦寐以求。The simple truth is that China is hell-bent on world domination.

小威同学全面的小前锋能力是活雷锋同志梦寐以求滴。Williams has all of the tools for a small forward Thomas covets.

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确定需要学什么以获得晋升或赢得你梦寐以求的工作。Decide what you need to learn to get ahead or to get the job you want.

它因而成了多少世纪以来各形各色旅游者所梦寐以求的事务。Thus all kinds of travelers learned and dreamed through the centuries.

回溯到那时,美国的新经济是其他国家梦寐以求的。Back then, America was the New Economy that others could only dream of.