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——没任何罪证,没有?Nothing incriminating, no?

他们把他的罪证摆在他面前。They confronted him with evidence of his crime.

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血迹斑斑的手套就是匪徒的罪证。The blood-stained glove told of the bandit's crime.

找一个罪证,找一个理由为你辩白。Pick a crime from the menu, pick a sentence and defend you.

我们找到一些牵连他们两人罪证确凿的证据。We found some damning evidence that implicated both of them.

不消一会,华碧贿赂官员的罪证已到手。Soon, HuaBi bribe officials of the evidence has come to hand.

该案罪证凿凿,结果不容置疑。On such damning evidence the outcome of the case is beyond doubt.

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被告被传来面对他确凿的罪证。The defendant was confronted with incontrovertible evidence of guilt.

他听斯密里把所有罪证确凿的情况重新叙述了一遍。He listened to Smillie's recounting of all the incriminating circumstances.

陪审团发现控告罪犯的罪证不确凿,所以放了他。The jury found the evidence against the prisoner inconclusive and acquitted him.

如果罪证属实,棒球“本垒打之王”邦兹很可能面临两年多的铁窗生涯。If convicted, baseball's home run king could spend more than two years in prison.

有时候它被当成自尊的象征,有时候又成为落后的罪证。Occasionally, it acts as the symbol of self-esteem or the evidence of backwardness.

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时至今日,湖边仍有一条掘了一半的沟——它便是人们对仙人不敬的罪证。To this hour on the border of the lake is shown a half-dug trench—the signet of their impiety.

除非在下周的搜查中发现了确凿的罪证,否则默里只会被控过失杀人。Unless a "smoking gun" is found in next week's search, Murray will be charged with manslaughter.

木荣为了查出言廷的罪证,再次借机潜入言廷的办公室盗取资料。但这次终被言廷捉拿,而言廷更利用木荣将小嘉一并拿下胁持。Wood in order to find out the evidence of katyn, rong to submerge again put it at the office to steal information.

摄影辅助了法官获得目击证人的辨认,帮助起诉人获得罪证。Photographs assisted officers in obtaining eyewitness identifications and aided prosecutors in securing convictions.

在报告中,人权观察也提供了新的信息,指出对丹增德勒的审判只是根据一些显然未经证实的爆炸案罪证。Human Rights Watch provides new information indicating that he was tried on what appear to be unproven bombing charges.

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接着,当迈克尔和埃米特在泰德的公寓寻找他的“罪证”时,他们发现一个对迈克尔的小圣坛。Later, as Michael and Emmett search Ted's apartment for incriminating evidence, they discover a shrine dedicated to Michael.

人权观察发现的有力证据表明政府有系统地企图掩盖罪证。Human Rights Watch found strong evidence that the government engaged in a systematic attempt to hide the evidence of the crimes.

那位苍白面孔的少年绅士的鼻血也曾染红我的裤腿,我只有趁着深夜时分来洗净这一罪证。The pale young gentleman's nose had stained my trousers, and I tried to wash out that evidence of my guilt in the dead of night.