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另一件事,你必须知道可湿性粉剂。Another thing, you must be know WP.

不要在潮湿的环境中使用粉剂。Don't use dusts in excessively damp situations.

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我想你的页面是默认可湿性粉剂的网页。I think your about page is the default WP about page.

您的最低经验可湿性粉剂不少于5年。Your Minimum experience with WP not less than 5 years.

全自动颗粒,液体,粉剂和片剂等包装机。Packaging Machines for Grain, Liquid, Powder and Tablet.

因此,我主动和使用插件可湿性粉剂标签插入的工作中我需要的地方。So I active plugin and use WP tag to insert job box where I need.

可湿性粉剂的活性高于乳化制剂的活性。Wettable powders exhibited higher activity than emulsified formulations.

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这应该是一个有经验的人以及与可湿性粉剂相当简单的项目。This should be a rather simple project for someone well experienced with WP.

在一个实施方案中,所述制剂以干粉或冻干粉剂的形式提供。In one embodiment, the formulation is provided as a dry or lyophilized powder.

当投标请提供可湿性粉剂之前,您已经创建主题样本。When bidding please provide samples of WP themes that you have created before.

我会提供这样的结果进入安装可湿性粉剂可湿性粉剂应是一个工作地点。I will provide access to WP installation so result should be a working WP site.

在床边用液体混合粉剂给病人服用。F. Mix powdered medications with liquids at bedside and give to client to drink.

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农药可湿性粉剂是农药加工四大剂型之一。The wettable powder is one of the four main formulations in pesticide processing.

在国内多效唑主要是以15%可湿性粉剂面向市场。Paclobutrazol is mainly in a way of 15 percent of wettable powder in China market.

作者将前列腺素E无菌冻干粉剂的有效期增加到2年以上。The effective date of aseptic frozen-dried powder of PGE was increased over 2 years.

本发明为天然除虫菊素花粉剂及制备方法。The invention provides natural pyrethrins pollen and the preparation method thereof.

适用与颗粒、粉剂、玩具、五金配件等包装机。Application and granule, powder, toys, hardware accessories, such as packaging machines.

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结论克蚁星粉剂可替代灭蚁灵用于白蚁防治。Conclusion Keyixing powder could be used as the alternative of Mirex for termite control.

企业拥有国内先进设备,具有3700吨农药可湿性粉剂除草剂生产能力。This Company has an annual production capacity of 3700 tons of wettable powder herbicide.

静电荷可以用撒布指示粉剂的方法,予以探测。Electric charge may be detected qualitatively by sprinkling or blowing indicating powders.