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在一块大陆上,上万的人排成方阵,彼此冲杀。On one land, tens of thousands men ranked and rushed and killed.

对于你的师团来说,有一名牧师与你的部队一同冲杀敌阵,着实是一种恩惠。A priest accompanying your regiment into the fray is indeed a boon.

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在一块大陆上,上万的人排成方阵,彼此冲杀。On one continent, thousands of people line in square matrix, rushing ahead to kill.

作为一名美军P-38野马战机的机师,奋勇向前,在海洋,丛林和沙漠上空,冲杀出属于自己的一条光荣之路!As a pilot of a P-38 Lightning in the Second World War you clear your way over seas, jungles and deserts.

他们也知道最终科比的背伤会痊愈,让他可以再次到篮下冲杀。They also know that eventually Bryant's back will be healthy enough for him to drive to the basket again.

过了金雁桥,见玄德军在左,严颜军在右,冲杀将来。When Ren crossed the bridge, he saw Xuande to the left and Yan Yan to the right, both charging toward him.

嘴里吞下烹饪,我悄然绕到右侧,以迅雷不及掩耳之势冲杀而出!Swallow a cooking in mouth, I silently round a right side, with highly sudden and swift power blunt kill but!

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骑在马上直剑进行冲杀对于重骑兵而言易如反掌,可以他们很少这样做,两个原因。Although such situation gave advantage to the heavy cavalryman he rarely used it. There were two reasons for this.

他们驾驶小型星际战斗机潜入格里弗斯的旗舰,一路冲杀到被束缚的议长跟前。Aboard their tiny starfighters they infiltrated Grievous' flagship, and worked their way to the shackled Chancellor.

太多的幼虫在往外冲杀的时候力竭身亡,不幸成了“飞翔”这个词的悲壮祭品。So many larvae die of being worn out when they strive out, the word 'flying' being their everlasting tragical token.

只见一道道绿色的身影从后面冲杀出来,眸子里闪烁着噬血的光芒。The figure that sees a path green kills out from the blunt backward and sparkles to bite the ray of light of blood in Mou son.

东方不败不说当她知道令狐冲杀了杨莲亭的时候心里还有一丝痛快,说明你还在我乎。East dont hurt dont say when she knew that make fox blunt kill Yang Lianting there was a time in my heart, you are still in me.

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嘴里吞下烹饪,我悄然绕到右侧,以迅雷不及掩耳之势冲杀而出!Swallow a cooking in mouth, UGG Classic Tall, I silently round a right side, with highly sudden and swift power dull slay merely!

当两个骑兵以最快的速度相互冲杀的时候,谁拥有更长更直的直剑谁就处于优势地位。When two cavalrymen are charging each other at greater speed the advantage is on the side of the cavalrymen with the longer, straight-blade sabers.

虽然我不能在部队的第一线冲杀,但是仍然可寻求为国家贡献力量的新途经,于是我爱上了摄影这一行。Although I can not rush ahead in the first line of troops, but the state still may seek new ways to contribute, so I fell in love with photography in this line.

你告诉我没有车这一事实在现实中意义不大,因为我只需往下扫一眼棋盘,就能看到我的车正灵巧而且生龙活虎地冲杀呢。The fact that you tell me I have no rooks means little in actuality, as I need only glance downward at the board to see them darting about with cunning and vigor.

反复的冲杀,反复的劈砍,铁峰在砍倒最后一个日兵后,自己也掉下马来。Repeatedly to kill, repeated chopping, iron peak after the soldiers cut down on the last day, oneself also fell to dismount. Arashi yao fight and jiangchuan flamed.

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冲杀在政治第一线的,是一批由前国防部长,现已获任财政部长的埃万杰洛斯.维尼泽洛斯率领的强硬社会党人。Into the forefront of politics came a group of tough Socialists led by Evangelos Venizelos, formerly the defence minister, who has now been appointed finance minister.

在那幽暗的矮树林中,似乎有一对骑兵随时都会从里面冲杀出来,随时都会听到刀剑无情的砍杀声,也可能会看到远处某一处雪地被鲜血染红。At any moment, it seemed, a body of horsemen might be seen breaking out from the black copse, so many instruments of tyranny might be heard and some distant patch of snow be reddened.

趁着敌人没有还手之力的时候,雷子枫带着石头一路冲杀,来到马路上正好跟上官于飞等人乘坐的汽车会合。Under the cover of the enemy does not have the strength to hit, LeiZiFeng with stones all the way to kill, and came to the road just keep up with the official form, vehicle rendezvous.