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什么是林业的优先重点?What are the priorities for forestry?

林业、水利建设取得新进展。Forestry and water conservancy made new progress.

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是指用于林业种植、育林的机械。It refers to tree planting and nursing machinery.

本文介绍了农用林业的含义。This paper introduces the meaning of agroforestry.

林业部门的士气一直很低。Morale in the Forest Department is at an all time low.

指导林业有害生物的防治、检疫工作。To direct prevention and quarantine of forestry pests.

可持续的林业管理和避免乱砍滥伐的活动。Sustainable forest management and avoided deforestation.

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嘉汉林业还未表示他们是否计划诉诸法庭。Sino-Forest hasn't said whether they plan to go to court.

这是美国林业学家学会的网站。This is the website for the Society of American Foresters.

传统林业的影子正在日趋淡化。The traditional forestry shadow is desalinating day by day.

亚洲及太平洋林业研究支持计划。Forestry research support programme for Asia and the Pacific.

模式标本保存于北京林业大学。The holotype is deposited in the Beijing Forestry University.

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陕西的林业官员匆忙为周正龙辩解。Forestry officials in Shaanxi have rushed to Mr Zhou's defence.

爱沙尼亚在林业经营管理、渔业方面有特长,而中国在轻工、家电等领域有自己的优势,这些都是很有潜力的合作领域。There are a lot of potentials of cooperation in all these fields.

林业产品公司的做法给公共事业带来了很大影响。What the forest-products companies did impinged on the utilities.

公益林经营问题,是林业分类经营的关键所在。However, the Ecologica Forest management is the crux of the matter.

林业股票投资的风险包括系统风险和非系统风险。Risk of forestry stock investment include system and non-system risk.

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该方法适应于在林业资源管理信息系统网络化中采用。The design is suitable for the network of forest resouces management.

所有模式标本均保存于东北林业大学昆虫标本室。All the type specimens are deposited in Northeast Forestry University.

商品林建设是国家六大林业重点工程之一。Commercial forest building is one of the six key forestry engineering.