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库尔特?科班写了涅?乐队的大部分歌曲。Kurt Cobain wrote most of Nirvana's songs.

我从来没有接受过科班的演绎训练,虽然很多人觉得我应该去上上啦。I am disgusted by the amount of myth about me that is accepted as fact.

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乐队的领唱和首席吉他手库尔特?科班死于1994年。The band's lead singer and lead guitar player Kurt Cobain died in 1994.

有趣的是,新浪潮的电影导演几乎很少有专业电影院校毕业的科班学生。Interestingly, few of the directors during French New Way were students graduating from film colleges.

阿展出主意让两个科班的学生一起学太极,这样他们就不会打架了。Exhibition idea o let students to learn tai chi together two seminaries, so they will not have to fight.

如今,想成为艺妓完全是凭自愿原则,而那些非科班从小入行的女性也能成为一名艺妓。Becoming a geisha is now entirely voluntary, and women who are not the children of geisha can now become geisha.

洪都拉斯国家消防部队的克鲁兹中士11日称,事故发生在著名的玛雅文化遗址科班附近。Honduras national fire brigade sergeant Cruz 11, said the accident occurred in the famous Mayan ruins near Coban.

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无论文科班还是理科班大多数学生都喜欢科学史融入物理教学并认为科学史有助于物理学习。Most students enjoyed the HOS instruction, and most of them thought HOS instruction had favor to their physics study.

这个问题可比照以前的方法处理。现在的梨园子弟都不如以前科班的演员下的功夫大了。Now none of the drama actors makes as much effort as the previous actors who have received regular professional training.

胡来友也表示,“科班学生不专业”也是他在招人过程中经常遭遇的问题。Friends also said that mess, "Coban students unprofessional" is also in his recruiting process is often encountered problems.

参与台湾国乐考级的师生,大多是非音乐科班背景者。Most of those participating in the Chinese Instrument graded examination are not from a music-related educational institution.

在科班中长大的怀玉和好朋友志高就是在这样的阳光下恣意地成长着。Grown in regular professional training bosom jade and good friend annals are tall namely below such sunshine growing arbitrarily.

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罗宗海先生科班出生,受过美术学院油画严格的训练,其基本功十分扎实。Mr. Luo Zonghai curriculum, have received rigorous training Academy of Fine Arts oil painting, their basic skills are very solid.

秦赞军在接受科班油画训练之前,自幼酷爱国画。Before accepting regular professional oil painting training, Qin Zanjun was keen on traditional Chinese painting when he was a child.

院校陶艺教育和受科班教育的专业人员是推动中国陶艺发展的主要力量。Ceramic education in colleges and professionals educated in these colleges is the main force to promote the development Chinese ceramic art.

特别是“小祥泰”以后,该班培养出的学生,又到外地兴办科班。Especially the "small Xiangtai" In the future, which trained students in classes, but also to the field to set up regular professional training.

她讲课速度较慢,分析透彻,适应文科生的特点,一直是文科班数学的领头羊。She lectures slow, thorough analysis, to adapt to the characteristics of the arts subjects, has been a leader in liberal arts mathematics classes.

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文化课是艺术院校的弱项,科班出来的毕业生一出校门就被当成艺术家,中国画的笔墨技法是他们手中独一的仗恃。Cultural studies is the art school's weaknesses, Coban out graduates out of school was as artists of a Chinese ink painting technique is the only Zhangshi their hands.

文明课是艺术院校的弱项,科班出来的毕业生一出校门就被当成艺术家,中国画的笔墨技法是他们手中独一的仗恃。Cultural studies is the art school's weaknesses, Coban out graduates out of school was as artists of a Chinese ink painting technique is the only Zhangshi their hands.

洪都拉斯国家消防部队的克鲁兹中士11日称,事故发生在著名的玛雅文化遗址科班附近。一辆巴士车在下山途中,突然发生机械故障,随后侧翻。Honduras national fire brigade sergeant Cruz 11, said the accident occurred in the famous Mayan ruins near Coban. A bus way down, a sudden mechanical failure, then roll.