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我必须同意这个观点。I have to agree.

我同意秦晖教授的观点。I agree with Prof.

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两种皆然不同的观点。Two radical views.

福兰克同意我的观点。Frank agreed with me.

我很赞同龙应台女士的观点。I am in favor of Mrs.

我也有同样的观点。I have the same view.

说出你的观点。Speak out your ideas.

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所以]霍布斯的观点当然吓人This is pretty scary.

这是斯坦利费什的观点。That was Stanley Fish.

我同意他的观点。I agree with his views.

同我们分享你的观点吗?Share with us the view.

我同意他的观点。I share his perspective.

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KKR甚至也认同我的观点。KKR even agrees with me.

那么,你的观点是什么呢?So what is your opinion?

两种观点都对也都错。Both are wrong—and right.

我举双手赞成你的观点。I totally agree with you.

这种观点是不正确的。That view is wrongheaded.

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那是纯理论的观点。That's an academic point.

你对高达的观点是什么呢?What is your Gundam-ness?

你与他们观点相同吗?Do you share this opinion?