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那是我曾祖彭取的花园。The garden of my ancestor, Ts'ui Pen.

而波阿斯与路得,便是大卫王的曾祖父母。Boaz and Ruth were the great-grandparents of king David.

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旁边的照片是当年踏上埃利斯岛,移民到美国来的曾祖父母。Next to his picture were photos of my great-grandparents, Ellis Island immigrants.

外公跟我说今天我们要去很远的地方,为我的曾祖外公外婆扫墓。Grandpa told me I'm going to be visiting the graves of my great-grandparents today.

我的曾祖会因我愚笨地尝试拴马和骑马而大笑。My great grandfather would have laughed at my fumbling attempts at hitching and riding a horse.

道尔菲斯娶了伊利斯的女儿爱丽丝,他们就是奥巴马夫人的曾祖父母。Dolphus married one of the Easleys’ daughters, Alice, who is Mrs. Obama’s great-great-grandmother.

曾祖白恩佑,擅长书画,为清代咸丰年间翰林。Great-grandfather Bai Enyou, good at painting and calligraphy, as the Qing Xianfeng years academy.

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他的曾祖父辈之一,托马斯-康奈尔,1667年因谋杀自己的母亲被绞死。One of his direct great-grandfathers, Thomas Cornell, was hanged in 1667 for murdering his mother.

一个美国人会说“我是波兰人”或“我是意大利人”,因为他的曾祖父母是在波兰或意大利出生的。An American will say“I’m Polish”or“I’m Italian” because his great-grandparents were born in Poland or Italy.

如果耶稣的曾祖知道在他里面隐藏着的东西的话,他不会对自己肃然起敬吗?If the great-grandfather of Jesus had known what was hidden within him, would he not have stood in awe of himself?

1931年,图拉姆在世界杯比赛时的队友克里斯蒂安·卡伦布的曾祖父母从新喀里多尼亚来到巴黎。In 1931, the great-grandparents of Thuram's World Cup team-mate Christian Karembeu came to Paris from New Caledonia.

他够幸运的,因为他有三位祖母——他的曾祖父母和曾曾祖父母都健在。He was lucky enough to have three grandmothers since great-grandparents and great-great grandparents are still living.

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更有意思的是,这些喜欢痒痒的老鼠,经过4代之后,发出吱吱声的比率竟可达到它们的曾祖父母的2倍。More interesting, when these ticklish rats were interbred for four generations, the offspring chirped twice as often as their great-grandparents.

连云港丹育种猪场项目从丹麦引进的世界最优秀的曾祖代种猪,以引领世界的繁殖技术进行种猪繁育。Lianyungang Danbred Breeding Farm project will introduce original genetic pigs from Denmark and manage the breeding farm with world leading technology.

我的曾祖从不追慕各种显学流派,教我居家从师好好读书,我亦因而深知人生荒废于散漫。From my great-grandfather, not to have frequented public schools, and to have had good teachers at home, and to know that on such things a man should spend liberally.

和渴望美好社会从天而降的梦呓之语完全不同,集体政治行动是你的生活远比你曾祖父辈要好得多的一个最主要的原因。Far from being some dreamy call to kum-by-ya, collective political action is the single biggest reason your life is incalculably better than your great-grand-parents'.

他们的父辈、祖父辈和曾祖父辈专心于手头的活计,而年轻一代则对拼命干活的意义提出了质疑。While their fathers and grandfathers and great-grandfathers concentrated hard upon the work at hand, some younger workers now ask questions about the point of working hard.

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传奇式的美国拳击手穆罕默德·阿里访问其曾祖移民美国之前居住的小镇,期间他揭幕牌匾来纪念其爱尔兰血统。The Legendary American boxer Mohammad Ali has unveiled a plaque commemorating his Irish roots during a visit to the town from where his great grandfather emigrated to the United States.

面包是所有食物变化的一个大体缩影,孩子们大口吃着那些祖父母或者曾祖父母都没见过的食物是不合理的。Bread is a microcosm of what’s happened to food in general. Our children, many of them, gorge themselves foodstuffs which our grandparents or great-grandparents would not even recognise.

我们曾经就像一家人,两家的渊源可追溯到本世纪之初,我们的曾祖父母是同在田纳西州纳什维尔市不远的小镇上一起长大的伙伴。We had always been like family, sharing an unusual history that dated back to the turn of the century when our great-grandparents were pals growing up in a small town not far from Nashville.