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许多竞争对手在下一轮竞争中可能抢得先机。Many competitors advance to the next round.

那么,以下是一些能让你占得先机的小贴士。So here are some tips to give you a head start.

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但它应该赶快行动,因为竞争对手已经占得先机。But it should move fast. Rivals have a head start.

我们要制敌先机抢先攻占那个城市。Let's anticipate the enemy's move and occupy that city.

在不远将来发生的事情中你会占足先机。You will take a chance in something in the near future.

对政府来说,首要任务就是要快速反应,抢占先机。For the government, the task is to get ahead of the crisis.

中国在开展网络战争中占有先机优势。The Chinese have the early advantage in executing cyber warfare.

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收购人更是在许多方面占尽先机。The offerer is even advantaged in an acquisition from end to end.

他们通过逐步建立关系网,占领先机。They develop leads by building relationships gradually over time.

人们十分担忧,在这轮房地产浪潮中没能占到先机People had great fear of being left out of the real estate market.

当你确信你所占的先机,先发制人未尝不可。Preemptive strikes are okay when you know for sure what you're preempting.

我们的信念是“创造卓越,赢得先机,赢是未来”。Our philosophy base on fine creativity, grasp the chance and win the future.

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让子女们在生活中占有先机是中产阶级家庭的头等大事。Helping children get ahead in life is a primary goal for middle class families.

企业应利用现代检测设备严把质量关,以质量赢得市场,把握先机。We should grasp the chance and occupy the market by the quality of our products.

记住,坚持健康的生涯方法能给你克服压力的先机。Remember maintaining a healthy lifestyle gives you a head-start on beating stress.

交易的艺术在于积累有利于你的可能性并占得先机。The art of trading exists in stacking the odds in your favor and building an edge.

当然,并不排除有些人先开口想占尽先机。Certainly, it can't rule out some people wanna be leading-edge by starting to talk.

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遗憾的是,两百年前大名鼎鼎的扎维尔·德·迈斯特已经占得先机了。Regrettably, over two centuries ago, the notorious Xavier de Maistre got there first.

很多公司选择了直接推出不可调光或TRIAC调光LED照明器具,从而抢占成本先机。Many will simply decide to create a non-dimmable or TRIAC dimmable LED fixture and win on cost.

卡梅伦通过做出一系列勇敢的决定已经赢得了先机--他没有些许畏缩。Cameron has won his advantage by taking some brave decisions, not by staying in his comfort zone.