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我的木刻墙。My wall of woodcuts.

他们正在创作一些木刻作品。We're working on some wood-cuts.

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我们正在创作一些木刻。We are working on some wood-cuts.

最古老的版画制作形式是木刻版画。The oldest form of printmaking is the woodcut.

你们在干什么呀?我们正在创作一些木刻。What are you doing? We are working on some wood-cuts.

雕版是古代印刷书籍的木刻底版。In ancient China, books were printed using wood blocks.

消除45木刻和一把斧头欣喜帮助伐木工人。Level 45 Woodcutting and an axe to help Lumberjack Lief.

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这本身就是对传统木刻版画的创新。This is an innovation for traditional printing of woodcut.

展出的有雕塑和木刻。There're sculptures and woodblock prints in the exhibition.

“祥巴”,藏语音译,意为木刻版画。Xiangba is the transliteration of woodcut from Tibetan language.

就全国的木刻运动而言,客家人在诸多方面开了先河。Hakka people once played a positive role in the woodcut movement.

西洋木刻图片中,可见以「珠」计「算」的方式。Weatern woodcut shows how calculations were performed with beads.

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北大荒版画基本上是套色木刻。Most of the woodblock prints of the Northeast are colored woodcuts.

公元868年,第一本使用全页木刻印刷的书问世。In 868 the first printed book, using full page woodcuts, was produced.

大胆的,英俊的强大戏剧木刻加强在诗歌描绘。Bold, handsome woodcuts reinforce the powerful drama depicted in poetry.

第三,雕版佛画影响到后世木刻年画。Third, the Buddhist woodblock woodcut painting affect the later paintings.

它,葡萄酒,它木刻的纹理,从来没有失败使人们挨饿。It had that vintage, woodcut texture to it that never fails to make people hungry.

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主讲人董长英先生长期研究新加坡木刻版画艺术。The speaker Mr. Tong Siang Eng is a long-time researcher of woodcut art in Singapore.

那时没有照相机,你只能依靠木刻或钢雕的肖像。There wasn't a camera, so you were reliant on likenesses from wood or steel engravings.

谭平的周年纪念木刻版画系列的每幅作品均限量五版。Tan Ping's anniversary series of woodblock prints are in a limited edition of five only.