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父母立意要她当网球运动员。The parents designed her for a tennist.

主题深刻、立意深远。A theme is deep and shows a far-reaching.

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但神仍立意要把祂救赎的大爱广施万族。God still intends to reach all people with his saving love.

在文章第一段,你就该找出文章的立意。You should be able to find the story’s point in the first paragraph.

立意良善的运动,最后反倒伤害了原欲保护的对象。A well- intentioned campaign ended up hurting the very people it sought to protect.

我读他们的文章,那立意,那语言,都是糟糕的“小儿科”的东西。Why? I read their papers, but their ideas and their language were horribly childish.

这篇文章立意很庸俗,它认为爱情是一种昂贵的商品。The article is premised on the very kitschy idea that love is just an expensive purchase.

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这是四年前我们展开多哈回合谈判时,立意要达到的工作目标。That is what we committed ourselves to do when the Round was launched four years ago in Doha.

网路中立意指互联网服务厂商对于所有网路流量应秉持一视同仁的态度。Net-neutrality is the idea that internet service providers should treat all web traffic equally.

所罗门说,我父大卫曾立意,要为耶和华以色列神的名建殿。My father David had it in his heart to build a temple for the Name of the Lord , the God of Israel.

这是一项立意鲜明的政治演说,并且还受到了宪法第一项补充条例的明确保护。And it is clearly political speech, which the constitution’s first amendment unambiguously protects.

我并没有赞扬基督教或蔑视它的立意,我所想的只是了解它。I had no intention of either glorifying or belittling Christianity, merely the desire to understand it.

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胡锦涛主席此访立意高远、务实高效、成果丰硕,取得圆满成功。With great foresight and being practical, efficient and fruitful, President Hu's visit achieved full success.

影片挺黑暗的,但立意很好,清晰地揭示了人的本性和人类的社交元素。It was dark, but in a good sense -- in the sense that it shed light on human nature and our human social element.

“词话本”文本是有说有唱、韵散杂糅的,其立意是以说教、有趣味、有吸引力为主的,总体风格是俗中带雅。Cihua Edition which is more interesting and attractive can be said and sung and is rhymed for the purpose of sermon.

这道立意奇特的难题、怪题,可谓别具一格,用心良苦。This difficult and strange question with its peculiar conception could be called having unique style, very meaningful.

工、写皆精,立意传统创新,努力打造以水墨表达油画的独特风格著称于世。Work is pure, the conception, innovation, hard to build in traditional ink painting is the unique style of expression.

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第三章,着重探讨了明清小说中谶纬现象的立意、叙事与审美的功能。At last, in the third chapter, we study intentions, narrative and aesthetic function of Chenwei in the Ming and Qing novels.

在这一分类的基础上,笔者从材料的运用、主题立意、布局谋篇三者之间的关系对讲话稿的写作技巧进行探讨和总结。Materials from the use of purposive subject, the relationship between the structure of a speech to explore the writing skills.

采用立意抽样方法对我省南昌和萍乡两地娱乐场所服务女性进行问卷调查。Adopt purposive sampling method to investigate the waitresses working in entertainment settings in Nanchang and Pingxiang city.