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老是目的弘远!Always aim high!

曼萨的建立目的是甚么?What are Mensa's goals?

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眯着眼看那刺目的光。Blink at the harsh light.

目的合成芝麻酚。Aim To synthesize Seasmol.

传教目的并不在此。Missions is not that goal.

我们的下个目的是苏比亚克。Our next goal was Subiaco.

它是目的明确的。It's pointed and purposeful.

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因此我们的目的是找出。They keep jumping up at you.

你希望达到什么目的?What do you hope to achieve?

要对婚姻的目的进行争论。about the telos of marriage.

对于策展人,展览的目的究竟是什么?What do you aim at, curators?

目的港在哪里?What is the destination port?

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你学汉语的目的是什么?Why are you learning Chinese?

那非您欠原冉材一个目的!You owe it to yourimmolation.

它是以谋利为目的的。It is a policy to gain profit.

他们的目的是羞辱我们。Their goal is to humiliate us.

您到德国来的目的是什么?Was machen Sie in Deutschland?

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美国对阿富汗动兵的目的为何?What's the aim in Afghanistan?

为了这个目的,我使用了一个比较工具。For this, I invoke a diff tool.

他怀着诈取钱财的目的而来。He came with intent to defraud.