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他吹响了撤退的号声。He sounded the retreat.

还是撤退任你造美梦。Just wanna be with you.

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那天我们正要撤退。We were leaving that day.

鬼鲛准备撤退。Kisame is about to retreat.

请命令你的士兵们撤退。Hänsel, call your soldiers back.

一个接一个,追求者撤退了。The pursuers gave up one by one.

军队井然有序地撤退。The troops retired in good order.

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喊着「万岁」在山上行进和撤退。" and marched up &down a mountain.

但随后他们却被迫撤退But then they're forced to back up.

我们将绝不会投降,也不会撤退。I shall never surrender or retreat.

敌军全线撤退。The enemy is in full-scale retreat.

同意撤退信号并报告。Agree eon retreat signal and report.

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中国将从利比亚撤退3.3万中国人。China to evacuate 33,000 from Libya.

生命所在之处,它从不撤退。And wherever life is, it never retreats.

这组词都有“撤退,离开”的意思。He saw his troops retreat from the field.

部队正在慢慢地撤退。The troops are being gradually withdrawn.

你不能走,真正的壮士决不会撤退。You cannot leave, real warrior never quits.

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你不能走,真的虎贲决不会撤退。You cannot leave , real warrior never quits.

部队迅速从前线撤退。The troops retrograded from the front rapidly.

陆军上校卡扎菲声称他的撤退是战略。Colonel Qaddafi called his withdrawal tactical.