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这小孩拼命嚎哭。The child howled horribly.

我还是会痛苦嚎哭。I would still wail painfully.

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这天空像一个绝望者在嚎哭。The sky grons like one in dispair.

她因失去孩子而嚎哭。She was wailing for her lost child.

在她旁边,嚎哭再次开始了。Next door, the howling begins again.

为她的魔鬼情郎而凄声嚎哭!By woman wailing for her demon-lover!

为何有那么多的嚎哭,歇斯底里的悲伤?Why all this howling, hysterical sorrow?

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他发出刺耳的嚎哭声,然后是一浪接一浪的哀嚎。He let out a sharp cry, followed by waves of wailing.

我是格雷厄,嚎哭深渊的永恒守护者!I am Greyor, the eternal guardian of the Howling Abyss!

男人们在哭泣,女人们在悲号,儿童们在嚎哭。Men were crying, women wailed and children were crying as well.

婴儿依旧在嚎哭,但每个人似乎都冷静些了。The baby continued to cry, but everyone else settled down a bit.

婴儿及儿童患者会出现尖声的呻吟嚎哭声,皮肤苍白有疤痕。There can be a high-pitched moaning crying and pale blotchy skin.

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暂时失去行为控制能力并伴随着呼叫、尖叫和嚎哭等。Temporary loss of behavioral control with dramatic shouting, screaming, crying etc.

除了扑到破旧的小沙发里嚎哭显然别无他法。There was clearly nothing left to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl.

有时候我真希望嚎哭深渊当初安排两个永恒的守护者,在这里好寂寞呀。Sometimes I wish there was two eternal guardians of the Howling Abyss, gets lonely here.

这些孩子们大部分都不再是婴儿了,而且也没有了那种让人头皮发麻的嚎哭。Except that now most of them weren't babies any more. Gone was the skull-crushing wailing.

互动的展示也展出了土生华人长达12天的婚礼以及他们的葬礼,并以女子在葬礼上嚎哭的照片作为背景。Interactive displays show an elaborate 12-day wedding and a Peranakan funeral, complete with women wailing in the background.

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多宝不肯吃药,遭大芝打至嚎哭,肃恭自愿喂多宝吃药。Much treasure refused to take medicine, was the big cheese until howling, the ready and voluntary feed the medicine to the treasure.

在“小宝贝齐齐”的葬礼上,嚎哭和嘶喊声在最后的道别时刻响彻教堂,以至于迎宾员要把教堂大门关上,好给家人保留一些隐私。At the funeral for Baby Zee, the wails and screams grew so loud during a final moment of goodbye that ushers closed the church doors to give the family privacy.

驼背鲸常见于世界各地的沿岸水域,因其神奇的歌声而闻名,它们发出的一系列的呜咽声,嚎哭声,啜泣声以及其它各种声音常可持续的萦绕数小时。Found in coastal waters worldwide, humpbacks are known for their magical songs, haunting sequences of moans, howls, cries, and other noises that often continue for hours on end.