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他的分析真是入木三分。His analysis was really penetrating.

老王的分析真是入木三分。Lao Wang's analysis was really penetrating.

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这些评价非常中肯,也都入木三分的。The fair and impartial evaluation, also penetrating the.

这位书法家的书法苍劲有力,入木三分。This calligrapher writes a forceful hand, with bold and vigorous strokes.

“入木三分”就是从这个故事中得出来的,用来形容书法有力。"Ru Mu San Fen" is got from this story, which means the calligraphy is penetrating.

平实的感情诠释,却也入木三分,发人深省。The annotation to common sensation was more than penetrating, which set people thinking.

真实、细小、入木三分的细节刻画具有无穷的艺术魅力。The portray of detail which is authentic, fine, vivid, profound carries out great artistic charm.

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我不由惊叹这部戏剧对于穷人苦难生活描写入木三分。I found myself gasping over the tragedy of the poor people's lives that the play portrayed so well.

这篇文章的视角独特,秉笔直抒,入木三分,一气呵成。The view point of this article is unique, and its description is direct and penetrating at one time.

真是栩栩如生!凯伦的蛋糕作品细节刻画十分到位,从狮子的牙齿到其耳中的毛发都显得“入木三分”。Really wild! Karen's creations include the tiniest of detail, from the teeth to the 'hair' in the lion's ears.

这是一部惊人之作。它观察细致、字句简洁,对受压迫者的心理描写入木三分。It's a stunning work of close observation and simple description, and a devastating study of the psychology of oppression.

著名京剧表演艺术家尚长荣先生创演的曹操的形象入木三分。The famous performing artist of Beijing Opera, Mr. Shang Changrong, has created and performed a vivid portrayal of Caocao.

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人看问题视野要宽,提倡多维视角看问题,才能全面而准确入木三分。Wide field of view of people look at problems, to promote multi-dimensional perspective, can we fully penetrating and accurate.

至今没有一位作曲家不被他感动,有些时候,他的作品对其他作曲家的影响更是入木三分。There is not a composer who lived during his time or is alive today who was not touched, and sometimes transformed, by his work.

迈克尔在以下这部影片的演出为他夺得金球奖和奥斯卡金像奖的最佳男主角。他将贪婪的丑恶演绎得入木三分。Michael's performance in this next film earned him the Golden Globe and the Oscar, the Best Actor and turned greed into a four-letter word.

方方是一位善于表现人性的作家,尤其对病变人性的剖析可谓入木三分。Fang Fang is a writer who is good at displaying the human nature, especially at analyzing profoundly the pathological change of human nature.

其他作家的创作用来穿插于各幕之间,但是给人印象最强烈的,是苏编写的一段段情节所展现的深刻的痛苦和这些情节入木三分的精确性。The other writers' work was used to break up the scenes, but the overwhelming impression was the hurt and burning accuracy of Sue's episodes.

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如德普般棱角极致分分明,如西恩·潘般备受争议,克里斯蒂安·贝尔对于超级英雄、屠龙者甚至精神病人的角色都能刻画得入木三分。As impossibly chiselled as Depp, as intense as Sean Penn, Christian Bale brings equal commitment to playing a superhero, a dragon-fighter or a psycho.

她的小说多以对美国中产阶级家庭生活的深刻描写而著名,笔触生动细腻,刻画入木三分。Her novels are characterized by the vivid description of American middle-class family life, in particular, by her delicate and penetrating writing style.

“入木三分”就是从这个故事中得出来的,用来形容书法有力,现在多用来比喻分析问题很深刻。"Ru Mu San Fen" is got from this story, which means the calligraphy is penetrating. Now it is often used to describe expressing sharp ideas or profound views.