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梅花在早春开花。The flowers wake in spring.

早春的时候我给我所有的鸟打虫。I worm all my birds in early spring.

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那是早春二月、乍暖还寒的一天。It was a chilly day in early spring.

那莳花在早春时绽开。The flower comes out in early spring.

早春的风滑润如水。The early spring wind smooth as water.

家畜吃早春的苜蓿而上膘。Herds are fattening on the early clover.

家畜吃早春的苜蓿而长肥。Herds are fattening on the early clover.

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就象那冬梅吟唱着早春的歌声。As it Dongmei sang songs of early spring.

苹果树在早春开花。Apple trees bear blossoms in early spring.

那一抹鲜绿的嫩芽,捎来早春的问候。Green buds send the greeting of early spring.

早春时节,我去探望婆婆。This early spring, I went to visit my grandmother.

我预测,今年早春时节,食品通胀就能消退。I expect food inflation to subside by early spring.

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捕虫树一般在早春开花。In early spring the plants usually starts to flower.

木棉花的绽放预报着早春的到来。The kapok is in blossom that heralds the early spring.

早春和晚秋差异大,晚春和早秋差异小。The difference is clear in early spring and late autumn.

在早春温暖气候下,它们就可以采集花蜜了。Good weather in early spring allowed them to forage for nectar.

江南三月正是早春时节,烟雨重重,杨柳依依。In March, spring comes very early. Besides West Lake, rain is like silk.

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三年前的早春,我的宠物狗菲比在纽约我家附近跑掉了。Three years ago, my dog Phoebe ran away near our house in Cold Spring, N.

三年前的早春,我的宠物狗菲比在纽约我家附近跑掉了。Three years ago, my dog Phoebe ran away near our house in Cold Spring, N.Y.

早春或晚秋扦插时,还应加盖薄膜,以防冬害。Cutting late autumn or early spring, also decked film to prevent harm winter.