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他们过分地使役了这些马。They work the horses too hard.

为不列颠群岛最受欢迎的使役牧羊犬。It is the most popular working sheepdog in the British Isles.

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英汉使役心理动词按形态可分为四大类。English and Chinese psych causative verbs fall into four broad categories.

英语中,部分名词或形容词可转化或派生为使役动词。In English, some nouns or adjectives can be converted to the causative verbs.

如果使役动物,则不能超出它们能力的承受范围。If the causative animal, it can not exceed the scope of their ability to withstand.

本文以统计手段来总结汉文化中使役方式的运用与情景制约的关系。The paper analyses the relationship between the use of causative means and situations.

工具语义角色可以在使役动词的中动语态语句中作主语。The semantic role of instrument can be the subject in the middle clause of a causative verb.

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汉语心理谓词使役成分的缺乏可能是导致学习者英语心理使役谓词习得困难的原因。This could partly be attributed to the lack of causative senses in Chinese psych predicates.

使役动词及其句型结构是英语的基本特色之一。The causative verbs and their sentence patterns are one of the English basic characteristics.

使役动词及其句型结构是英语的基本特色之一。This paper explores the properties of causation, causativized verb and causative construction.

不论是在汉语还是在日语中,使役表达都是句子表达的一个重要组成部分。In Chinese, causative construction is one of the most important types of syntactic constructions.

在日韩使役文中,当被使役者为有情物时,使役者和被使役者一般都以“动作主体”的形式出现。In both languages, if the causee is a person, the logical subjects of the predicate are the causer and causee.

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因此,在使役期之前,船体结构的检测和维修是必要的。It is necessary to inspect and repair the damaged elements of hull structure after a certain period in its lifetime.

对于可以带复合宾语的动词作了较为系统的分类,尤其对使役动词提出了一些见解。The article tries to sort out and classify the verbs that can carry compound objects. Special attention is paid to causative verbs.

自从20世纪中期以来,使役结构就一直是语言学领域的热点话题。Since the middle of the 20th century, causative constructions have been a heated topic for linguistics from a variety of perspectives.

英语和汉语虽属于不同的语言类型,但都存在着结构使役和词汇使役。The English and Chinese language are of different language typology, but languages contain periphrastic and lexical causative sentences.

英语使役类动词的教学不仅涉及动词语法形式的教学,还应涉及动词构式意义的教学。It is therefore suggested that besides grammatical forms, constructional meanings should also be heeded in teaching English causative verbs.

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并回顾了零致使词素,Bouchard关于心理使役动词的语言研究。And also, the account of zero morpheme CAUS and the account of Bouchard, the linguistic research on causative psychological verbs are reviewed.

本文同时指出,使役动词的语义由使役成分与词汇意义相互作用而成,词汇部分是否需要通过移位取得与使役成分的并合,则取决于二者之间的关系。It points out that whether or not the causative element merges with the lexical element and moves to the upper VP, it depends on their interrelationships.

民间美术长期以来相伴天地鬼神观念、使役于宗教和封建迷信。For a long time, folk art is the mother of all plastic arts, accompanied by the concept of the world spirits and exploited by religion and feudal superstition.