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他是一个圆滑的朝臣。He was an adroit courtier.

朝臣们在女王面前卑躬屈膝。The courtiers cringed before the Queen.

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王国贬黜了那位不忠的朝臣。The king disgraced the disloyal courtier.

朝臣都知道这事但是不敢进谏。Courtier salt knows, the Mogan remonstrance.

这些朝臣、贵族、教士们为什么都恨我呢?Why do all these courtiers and knights and churchmen hate me?

事后,一位朝臣先回去向路易十五报告。A courtier then went ahead of the others to report to the king.

每现在和他们一位朝臣会在门站而且听。Every now and them a courtier would stand and listen at the door.

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朝臣奥斯里克计划邀请哈姆雷特与莱尔提斯决斗。A courtier, Osric, interrupts to invite Hamlet to fence with Laertes.

中国的景泰蓝制品主要为皇帝,朝臣和学者的玩物。Chinese cloisonné was made for the delight of emperors, courtiers and scholars.

王太后突然亲吻了公爵的脸颊,令朝臣大吃一惊。The Queen Mother surprised courtiers by suddenly kissing the Duke on the cheek.

他和伶人讲话就像对着一个正直的朝臣讲话一样。He and actor people speak just as facing toward an honest courtier and speaking.

这帮朝臣进得门来,便拿熔炉和巨型铁锤焊死了门闩。The courtiers , having entered, brought furnaces and massy hammers and welded the bolts.

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楚国的国君灵王是非常喜欢腰身纤细苗条的朝臣。King Chulin, the king of the state of Chu, was very found of officials with slender waists.

他们身兼朝臣与文士双重身份,活跃于政治与文学之间。They were not only courtiers but also literators. They sashayed in politics and literature.

最终,亚述朝臣与王子联合推翻了图库尔提·尼努尔塔一世的统治。Finally, the union of high court officials and a prince overthrew rule of Tukulti-Ninurta I.

他听着朝臣争执声,吵吵闹闹,如一锅沸腾的粥。He listens to courtier quarrels a voice and argue noisily, like a boiler of gruel of ebullition.

有许多武士和淑女,以及朝臣、仆人和女花童。There were great numbers of knights and ladies, as well as courtiers , servants and flower girls.

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倏然,他站起身来。争吵不休的朝臣们纷纷看向他。Shu although, his station is began. The courtiers quarreling endlessly see in succession toward him.

两人都作出姿态的尊重,这并不奇怪的朝臣,但不寻常的一个国王。Both men make gestures of respect, which is not surprising for the courtier , but unusual for a king.

隋朝在短短的三十七年里,皇族外部和朝臣中倾轧十分凶猛。In short, in the sui dynasty in the thirty-seventh year of British royal courtiers and internal very badly.