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我扬言要公开揭发他们。I threatened them with public exposure.

金姆扬言说她能够照顾好她自己。Kim threatens that she can handle herself.

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在其他的时刻,我扬言要粉碎它。On other occasions I threatened to pulverize it.

他欺骗了安德伍德,安德伍德扬言迟早要报复。Underwood threatened to pay him back sooner or later.

塔利班扬言要扰乱星期四的选举。The Taliban are vowing to disrupt Thursday's balloting.

那个穿黑衣服的人扬言要杀他的父亲。The man in black threatens that he will wipe his father off.

军方扬言如果内乱继续就实行军管。The army is threatening to take over if civil unrest continues.

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强盗扬言若不满足他的要求,就把他们都杀了。The robber threatened to kill them if his demands were not met.

平壤方面扬言要在本周末恢复在那里的活动。Pyongyang vowed to resume activity there by the end of this week.

贝尔扬言为索债款要对他提起诉讼。Bell threatened to proceed against him for the recovery of the debt.

那个农场主扬言说,无论哪条狗,如果咬死他的一只羊,他就要开枪打死它。The farmer threatened to shoot any dog that killed one of his sheep.

他扬言将严惩作假帐的企业和主管人员。He pledged tough penalties on corporations and chief officers who falsify accounts.

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他斥责卢局长私吞公物,扬言要到野夫那里告状。He rebuked Lou, director of the stolen property, threatening to the wild man there.

北韩还扬言要废除1953年终止朝鲜战争的停火协定。North Korea also threatened to nullify the 1953 armistice that ended the Korean War.

工会扬言要举行广泛罢工,迫使公司进行谈判。The union arm-twisted the company into negotiating by threatening widespread strikes.

结果,再一次地,家长们扬言要示威,抵制学校,并向记者报料。Again, parents threatened to demonstrate, to boycott the school, to talk to reporters.

而且,他们还对买卖人和所有的人扬言,要在蟾宫永久住下去啦。And they're telling the tradespeople and everybody that they've come to stay for good.

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土耳其扬言要侵入,铲除袭击土耳其境内的库尔德分裂分子。The Turks threaten an incursion to root out separatist Kurds who attack inside Turkey.

就像中国扬言的那样,俄罗斯正试图在乌克兰、格鲁吉亚和中亚地区扩大其影响力。As China waxes, Russia is trying to assert itself in Ukraine, Georgia, and Central Asia.

有些海盗扬言,只要有英法水手落入他们手里,一律格杀。Some pirates said they would kill French or American sailors that fall into their hands.