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还可以通过意译重述关键词进行关键词转换练习。You can also practise scanning for paraphrases of key words.

引言人们经常讨论直译和意译。People often discuss literal translation and free translation.

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因此今天被称为濯足节星期四,或者意译为授诫命的星期四。Hence today is called Maundy Thursday, or literally "Commandment" Thursday.

引言人们经常讨论直译和意译。INTRODUCTION People often discuss literal translation and free translation.

这种音译加意译法更为巧妙。This kind transliterates adds the transliteration law to be more ingenious.

“译意”与“意译”都涉及“意”。Translation of liberal meaning and liberal translation both concern meaning.

在佛教术语中,音译术语137个,意译术语764个。In Buddhism terms, there are 137 transliteration terms, and 764 free transliteration terms.

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但是由于文化的差异,意译必然会带来误读。As a result of the cultural difference, the transliteration definitely will bring the misregistration.

一些最流行的人造句子是对圣经内容简练的意译,或是一些民间智慧。Some of the most popular faux verses are pithy paraphrases of biblical concepts or bits of folk wisdom.

对于英语习语的翻译,可采用直译、意译和融合法。For the translation of English idioms, literal, liberal and literal plus liber al translation can be used.

目前翻译的研究集中在形合与意合以及直译与意译的争论。Current studies of translation focus on the argument of hypotaxis vs. parataxis and literal translation vs.

我喜欢现在信息意译我们的诗歌,“自由自主地赋予,不要抱着一颗吝啬的心。I love how The Message paraphrases our verse today, "Give freely and spontaneously.Don't have a stingy heart.

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本文从直译法、意译法、直译兼意译法、规化法四个方面探讨了英语比喻汉语翻译的技巧和注意事项。This paper explored the techniques or the conversion of English comparison into Chinese and something to be paid attention to.

相比较而言,朱生豪采用了意译的方法,而梁实秋采用了直译的方法。It is safe to say in a sense that Zhu Shenghao adopts free translation method while Liang Shiqiu adopts literal translation method.

“字译”的方法尤其不可取,然而意译的自由度也应该控制在交际翻译法的限度内。There is no way for word-for-word translation, and the translation should be confined within the limit of the communicative approach.

一种语言吸收外来词时主要采取音译、意译、音意译结合、原词移植等方法。Transliteration, free translation, the combination of the above two, and alphabetic words are the chief ways to borrow foreign words.

但是,在很多情况下他用不严紧的意译,远离圣经经文的意思,这将会同样立即看到。However, in many cases he uses loose paraphrases that depart from the meaning of the Biblical text. That will be readily seen as well.

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在翻译俗化术语时,译者应该以语境为关照,灵活运用直译或意译方法。In the translation of communalized terms, the translator can choose literal translation or free translation according to concrete contexts.

商标牌名的翻译主要有音译、意译、音意结合与转译等方法。The methods of translation mainly include transliteration, free translation, combination of transliteration & free translation and conversion.

学界倾向性的看法一般认为译经中的文与质实际上是指意译与直译,即译经方法问题。The discussions named text-quality issues which was actual the method of translation arose at the beginning of translating the Buddhist scriptures.