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他是个乐观的生态旅游者。He is a optimistic ecotourist.

他们不尊重自然生态。They are disrespecting nature.

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因为这是一场生态灾难。This is an ecological disaster.

生态系统必须保持稳定。An ecosystem must remain stable.

一个城市的生态系统是怎样的?What about the ecosystem of a city?

他在研究阿米巴的生态。He is studying the ecology of ameba.

保护生态环境。Preserve the ecological environment.

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青岛如何走向未来的生态城市?What is the eco-city for the future?

但是生态恐怖主义是确实存在的威胁。But eco-terrorism is a very real one.

生态系的声音、节能的目的。Ecologically sound and energy-saving.

流是如何适应那种生态系统的呢?How does flow fit into that ecosystem.

生物群落比生态系统范围要大。Biomes are much larger than ecosystems.

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——生态环境保护明显加强。Stronger protection of the environment.

但基尔丁实际上是一个生态乐观主义者。But Gilding is actually an eco-optimist.

这是第一次现代生态灾难。It was the first modern eco-catastrophe.

构建水绿网络化的生态系统。To design water-green ecological system.

在生态交错带边缘管理外来物种入侵。Manage invasive species at ecotone edges.

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孟州生态果园模式研究。An Ecologic Orchard Mode in Mengzhou City.

堪萨斯州算不上生态主义的热土。Kansas is hardly a hotbed of eco-activism.

洪水过后的生态公园的苍鹭。A heron at a flooded ecology park in Seoul.