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认为签订了合同就万事大吉Thinking a contract is binding

如果看到时钟,则万事大吉了。If you see the clock, all is well.

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只要找到一个酷酷的工具就万事大吉了”。Just get a cool tool and we're set".

只要能做到这一点她就可以万事大吉。As long as she did this, all would be well.

别着急,伙计,等他来了就万事大吉了。Dont worry! Mate, once he get here, Bob's your uncle.

但是根据民粹主义的说法,你只要把责任统统归咎于高盛银行就万事大吉了。But with the populist narrative, you can just blame Goldman Sachs.

当然,如果你觉得找到搬家公司就万事大吉,那就大错特错了。Of course, if you think you find moving company is fine, that would be wrong.

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只要等到水星顺行之后行动就万事大吉。Just wait until later on in the day after Mercury turns direct to make any move.

别以为加了一个亲吻的笑脸就万事大吉。And please don’t think adding in a clever kissy smiley face will help matters at all.

警察在对每位旅客进行检查,以保万事大吉。The police are checking on every passenger to make sure that everything is all right.

只是,少年的一切都以她为中心,她没事便万事大吉。Just, juvenile everything revolves around her, she's okay and everything will be fine.

这么说来,下一次你若处在痛苦中,或许无需再吞药丸,只要坠入爱河,就万事大吉了。So the next time you're in pain, maybe you don't need to pop a pill. Just fall in love.

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这么说来,下一次你若处在痛苦中,或许无需再吞药丸,只要坠入爱河,就万事大吉了。So the next time you’re in pain, maybe you don’t need to pop a pill. Just fall in love.

只要你提前计划好如何迅速增加邮件服务器,你就会万事大吉。So long as you have planned ahead of time how you can add mailservers rapidly you're okay.

我们可千万不能以为躲过了这一招就万事大吉了。Surely, it's stupid to believe that everything will be fine because we survived this time.

开发人员每次只要添加一些页面来引入这些新功能就万事大吉了。Each time, the developer just adds a small set of pages to introduce the new functionality.

再者,我们不能认为就是把节能灯换上就万事大吉了。And besides, we should not replace a filament bulb with a low-energy one and be done with it.

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那种认为靠减税或别的什么花样就能让一切万事大吉的想法是错误的。Those who think all you need to do is cut taxes and everything else will fall in place are wrong.

你不能仅仅将REPL添加到.NET中就万事大吉了,因为还有很多像REPL这样的功能选项存在。While you cannot just tack-on a REPL in .NET, there are still options for REPL-like functionality.

吉林说,"我们必须破除报道一旦发表便万事大吉的观念。""We have to get rid of this idea that once a story is published that’s the end of it," Gillin said.