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特殊材质的裁断头,经久耐用而且裁断效果最佳。Special materials, durable and cutting head cutting best effect.

由于资材纹路粗细不一致,需要配双并对号裁断。Workers need to match pairs and size No. due to the different grains.

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针车、削边机、裁断机等制鞋设备的维修基本知识。Basic knowledge of stitching, skiving , and cutting machine maintenance.

可使用双面锋利之裁断刀,节省人工及成本。Can use double-sided sharp cutting knife, the savings artificial and cost.

须双手按钮才进行裁断、而且无连续不停的弊端,安全性高。The cutting should hands button, and not only to continuously, high safety.

适用于各类电源线,插头线,电子连接线的裁断成扎。Be the same with electrical source wire BNC wire link wire of cutter and enlace.

如果她俩意见不一,信就被放入一个抽屉,等待以后的裁断。If the two women disagree, the letter goes into a drawer, to await later judgment.

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医学院的决定基本上是学术裁断,因此不适于法庭方法。The decision involved essentially academic judgments and was thus unsuited to courtroom methods.

食品盒裁断时可杜绝裁版粉末粘在盒上的现象。Food boxes can be found at the Conference Board to eliminate powder sticky phenomenon in the box.

裁断作业时采用光电管控制,操作最安全。During the cutting operation, the photoelectric tube control is adopted with the most safe operation.

该机由自动送纸、涂膜覆合和裁断回收三部份组成。This product is an environmental product with commercial" pre-coating film" automatic compound machine.

强固的机台结构设计,即使在最高裁断负荷下,变形量仍非常有限。Robust machine structure design, even at the highest cutting load, the deformation is still very limited.

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操作省力、简单、故障率低,裁断力特强,裁断速度快。The operation is labor-saving and simple, with low malfunction, strong cutting power and high cutting speed.

操作省力、简单、故障率低、裁断力强、裁断速度快。Thee operation is labor-saving and simple, with low malfunction, strong cutting power and high cutting speed.

你们要为自己的立场在历史面前承担责任,因为严格说来裁断你们的将是历史。You yourselves bear the responsibility for your stand before history, for as such will you be viewed in history.

介绍了冷喂料橡胶螺杆挤出机和卧式裁断机的使用范围、技术参数、设备完好标准等。Introduced the scope, technical parameters and equipment standards of vertical cutter and high horizontal cutter.

微调装置,可轻易得到最佳之裁断行程,延长刀模及裁断胶板的使用寿命。Simply accessible micro-adjustment device for optimum cutting strokes then cutter and cutting board are serviceable.

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介绍了钢丝帘布小角度裁断机的结构、性能及特点。A small angle steel cord cutter has been developed and its structure, performance and characteristics are introduced.

智能裁断装置可根据门幅设定切刀裁断宽度,提高效率。Intelligent cutting equipment can set working width according to the different fabric width for increasing efficiency.

裁断力微调装置,可轻易得到最佳的裁断点,延长刀模及裁断板使用寿命。Simply accessible micro-adjustment device for optimum cutting point then the cutter and cutting board are serviceable.