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色彩熠熠生辉。The colors brighten.

在今天冬日的阳光里它熠熠生辉。It's shining in the winter sunshine today.

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圣诞树上的装饰品熠熠生辉。The gitter of the Christmas tree decorations.

商店的橱窗里陈列的商品琳琅满目,熠熠生辉。Shop windows display of goods dazzling, brilliant.

在地中海上,雅典熠熠生辉。Athens shining brightly along the Mediterranean Sea.

捷克钻匠心独运装饰,鞋子熠熠生辉。Czech drilling imaginative decorations, shoes shine.

我的空间全黑,只有他们在熠熠生辉。My space is nothing but dark, only they are splendent.

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看到如此熠熠生辉和充满活力的景象真是令人鼓舞。It's inspiring to see such a bright and vigorous sight.

她健康而漂亮,富有使这些天赋更加熠熠生辉。She had health and beauty, and money to gild these gifts.

在这片质感的底色之上,人文的性灵之光熠熠生辉。The light of humanity shines brightly on this quality grounding.

而古旧乐器又有着一段历史让其熠熠生辉,锦上添花。And old instruments often have a history that adds to their lustre.

我觉得我的四肢因受到生命世界的爱抚而熠熠生辉。I feel my limbs are made glorious by the touch of this world of life.

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京剧流派异彩纷呈,风格迥异各有千秋,在京剧舞台与艺坛上熠熠生辉。Beijing Opera has many schools with distinct styles and their own merits.

就连树叶、砖瓦、小石子和草叶子都被冲刷得那么干净,熠熠生辉。Even leaf, brick, shingle and blade of grass is fresh-washed and shining.

皓月当空,整个大地在皑皑白雪的映衬下熠熠生辉,取一块雪毯送给我。Send me a blanket of white under a full moon, when the land seems to glow.

迪拜的海滩熠熠生辉,其上遍布为富人打造的风格化海景地产。Dubai's coast has grown garish with stylized beachfront lots for the wealthy.

白天,树木被日观照的熠熠生辉,成为室内景观的一部分。At the daytime, the trees are sunlit and become a visual part of the interior.

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雪松柱熠熠生辉地在支撑着上方的花旗松原木。Cedar columns flare at their base as they prop up the Douglas fir logs overhead.

恢复高考的政策意义迄今依然熠熠生辉。The policy meaning of resuming college entrance examinations is still glistening.

Jake注意到她身上的光斑变得熠熠生辉并且在不断地改变着颜色。Josh notices that the chromatophores on her body have brightened and changed color.