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我感到有种改变在即。I feel a change comin' on.

乔迁在即新家入住应注意哪些问题?On the move soon to be home to the attention of what?

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曙光在即,我们终于快要熬出头了。We are here to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

四季度来临,年终决战在即。The advent of the fourth quarter, year-end battle soon.

拍摄日子在即,她的摄影机眼看就被小偷抢走了。Film day shortly, her cinematograph was reaved by thief soon.

这份备用信用证在即期付款方式下才有效。This Stand-by Letter of Credit is available by sight payment.

在即回归年与恒星年是不同的两个概念。Tropical year , and sidereal year are two different concepts.

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人数有限,报名在即,欢迎踊跃参加!Seats are limited, please sign up at once! Welcome to join us!

在即付即用协作中,人们根据需要访问服务。In Pay-As-You-Go Collaboration people access services as needed.

高考在即,学校每周只放半天假。The entrance exam is coming, the school only a half-holiday a week.

每逢栀子花芬芳的时候,离别就是在即。When being fragrant in the Cape jasmine flower, parting is in sight.

可供交割的现货可在即期或远期基础上换成现金。Actuals available for delivery are traded for cash on a spot or forward basis.

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但随着圣诞节在即,托马斯认为他需要省钱。But with Christmas around the corner, Thomas concluded he needed to save money.

花拉临盆在即,与漫姿一起到商场购买婴儿用品。Flowers pull labor, with diffuse appearance to the stores to buy baby products.

奥运开赛在即,各国政要相继抵京,其中不乏体育狂热者。State leaders have arrived in Beijing and are awaiting their "must-watch" sports.

二十国集团首尔峰会召开在即,各国对此次会议均寄予厚望。The G20 Seoul Summit will soon open. The countries have high hopes for this summit.

但是,到了周五风云突变,原有的决定被推翻,大坝建造工程上马在即。But by Friday the decision had been overturned, paving the way for the dam's construction.

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昨日下午,网友在微博报料,大婚在即的谢娜现身成都某商场购物。Yesterday afternoon, the micro-blog Baoliao, marriage is a shopping mall in Chengdu Sheenah.

父子分别在即,潘父赠送一颗红星帽徽予冬子以作鼓励。And his son were imminent, the father of Pan gift to a star badge Dongzi as an encouragement.

药剂师将苏打水加在这种混合物中做成饮料,并装在即开瓶和汽水桶里出售给消费者。A pharmacist added soda water to the consumer in ready-to-drink bottles and in soda fountains.