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高空走钢丝巡查电网的机器人High-Wire Robot to Inspect the Grid

走钢丝的人靠向前移动来保持他的平衡。This person holds his balance while moving forward.

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他常走钢丝来跨越尼亚拉加瀑布。He used to walk on a tightrope across the Niagara Falls.

孩子们在看走钢丝表演时都紧张极了。The children were all strung up over the show of wire-walking.

月,一名杂技团演员在表演高空自行车走钢丝绝技。In July 2007, an acrobat cycles the high-wire – a stunning feat.

杂技演员走钢丝时,观从们都屏住了呼吸。The audience held their breath as the acrobat walked along the tightrope.

她知道嫁给我就如同走钢丝,而且不仅仅是在一个方面。She knew that being married to me would be a high-wire operation in more ways than one.

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菲力浦非常小心地迈开第一步,钢丝绳承受住了,现在他确信他可以走钢丝了。Philippe took his first step with great care. The wire held Now he was sure he could do it.

因为每个孩子都处在致命性的风险中,独生子女家庭就是在高空走钢丝。Because every kid is exposed to deadly risks, every one-child family is walking a tightrope.

走钢丝的专家在一辆雷诺车上保持着平衡,而那车也是在一条绳索上保持平衡。A high wire expert balances on the roof of a Renault car, which in turn is balanced on a rope

紧接着,我们还看了狮子跳花环、黑熊走钢丝、老滚球等精彩的节目。Then, we saw a lion jumped wreath, black bears tightrope, old ball etc splendid performances.

一个掉下来摔死自己的走钢丝的人,他一生的收入也不会很好。The lifetime earnings of a tightwire walker who falls down and kills himself aren't very good.

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中国中央政府及各地方政府试图对房地产市场加以调控,但他们的处境形如走钢丝。As they try to modulate the market, local and central governments here are walking a thin line.

这对于小说处女作而言如同走钢丝一般风险重重,然而爱丽丝·赛博尔德却几乎保持了完美的平衡。This is a high-wire act for a first novelist, and Alice Sebold maintains almost perfect balance.

它们多半就像走钢丝的表演者,用借来的钱在根本没有安全网的钢丝上保持平衡。For the most part, they resembled high-wire artists juggling borrowed money without a safety net.

一个亚美尼亚的走钢丝者用他的平衡杆保持平衡,准备玩一场把戏。An Armenian tightrope walker steadies himself with his balance pole as he prepared to perform a trick.

像走钢丝的演员一样,短尾雕一顿一挫地从树顶上滑下来。Like a tightrope walker on a high-wire, a Bateleur sways and rocks as it glides low above the tree tops.

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如果沃伦德那天中午走钢丝时不过分担心自己的安全问题,他就不会摔死。Wallenda would not have fallen to death if he had not worried so much about his safety during that midday walk.

亨利克先生是老师,教师是他养家糊口的职业,我猜想在他的工作合同中没有任何一条是要他为了两个学生而去走钢丝的。Mr. Henrich was a teacher, that was his job, I doubt that "Put job on line for two students" was in his contract anywhere.

一些极其简单的事,拿车票签证,行李过磅等小事,都必须象走钢丝一样小心翼翼地去做。Simple tASks, such AS getting her ticket stamped, her luggage weighed, had to be carried out carefully AS a walk on a tight rope.