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他是一位沉默寡言不爱交际的人。He is a very quiet and retiring person.

沉默寡言是我非常英国化的一面。I am very British in that I'm reticent.

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他总是沉默寡言,不喜欢跟人交流。The child is always taciturn like this.

我记得那个沉默寡言的人给我的感觉。I remember how those few words made me feel.

罗杰天性沉默寡言,他一声不吭。Roger, uncommunicative by nature, said nothing.

汉妮伯母是个直爽但又沉默寡言的人。Aunty Henny was an outgoing but reticent person.

平时看来他沉默寡言。你说,尽管他不作声,但他仍是个有思想的人。In spite of his silence, he is a thoughtful man.

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她有一个沉默寡言的习惯,无论如何也不会改变。She had got the habit of silence anyway-that was fixed.

三月里,迪尼茨接替了沉默寡言的伊扎克拉宾所担任的职务。Dinitz had replaced the taciturn yitzhak rabin in march.

女孩开始变得沉默寡言。The girl starts to become the silence to be uncommunicative.

人群中就有海斯特的丈夫,一个沉默寡言,有学者气质的人。In the crowd is Hester's husband, a reserved and scholarly man.

但在晚宴席上,人们宁愿做一只蚊子也不愿沉默寡言。But at a dinner-party one would rather be a mosquito than a mute.

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由于牧师生性羞赧和敏感,他的沉默寡言与自我克制阻遏了这一阴谋的得逞。The clergyman's shy and sensitive reserve had balked this scheme.

球场下齐达内沉默寡言,他的球技和日臻完美。Though Zidane is very quiet off the field, he steps up his performance.

患者还可能出现易怒、孤僻和沉默寡言。You might have depression if you feel irritable, isolated and withdrawn.

或者是他们用那些沉默寡言的人们作为替代用来告诉我另外的一些东西?Or was their replacement by taciturn introverts telling me something else?

我一个不爱合群,沉默寡言的瘦弱女孩。My does not like getting on well with others, uncommunicative emaciated girl.

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他遇到了西斯克里夫家里的另外一些人——沉默寡言的凯西和粗鲁的哈里顿。He encounters the rest of Heathcliff's family ― sullen Cathy and rough Hareton.

他极少说话,而他沉默寡言的举止似乎使他更神秘了。He talked very little and seemed all the more mysterious for his taciturn manner.

坐在被告席上的狩猎目标是迈克尔·莫雷蒂,他沉默寡言,相貌英俊。The quarry, Michael Moretti, sat at the defendant's table, a silent, handsome man.