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这个念诵者的内在是谁?And who is this chanter inside?

还当着杨坚的面念诵一首诗词。Also in the presence of YangJian face recite a poem.

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驱邪中必须念诵特别的咒语。Specific incantations had to be uttered in exorcism.’1

你们就是我们的荐信,写在我们心里,被众人所知道所念诵的。Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men

念诵佛语作为祝福的行持,在佛陀住世时就开始存在了。The chanting of sutras for blessing was started during the Buddha's time.

经过若干时日,她的疾病居然因为念诵主祷文而痊愈了。In a matter of days, praying mostly with the Lord's Prayer, she was healed.

有七天不同的念诵组合分别涵盖了课诵本所有的念诵。There are 7 chanting combinations covering all titles in the chanting book.

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在我们移灵殡仪馆之后,我们整夜为他念诵。After we moved to the funeral parlour, we continued to chant into the night.

你念诵古老的天界之语,创造一个银色的符文用来击退你的仇敌。You utter ancient words of Supernal, conjuring a silvery glyph that repels your foes.

她要求他们念诵玫瑰经,为世界和平及罪人悔改。She asked the children to recite the Rosary for world peace and conversion of sinners.

如果你有时间的话,那么最好用法就是念诵更多的哈瑞奎师那。If you have got some time, the best thing would be to chant Hare Krishna more and more.

采用念诵的修法,对一般人而言,有很多好理由及利益。There are many good reasons and benefits for ordinary people to adopt a chanting practice.

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但是,最好是配合经文念诵回向时一起使用,功效更大。However, it is best to recite scriptures to cooperate together, when using greater efficacy.

然后顾书志就开始念诵观音菩萨的大悲咒和阿弥陀佛的净土咒。Gu got to work on the great mercy mantra of guanyin bodhisattva and the pure land mantra of amitabha.

在朋友与亲戚的支持下,我们持续地为TM唱诵,且为他念诵仁波切的讯息。With support from friends and relatives, I continually chanted for TM and read him Rinpoche's message.

在这卡利年代,念诵是获得圆满的奎师那知觉的唯一方法。This chanting process is the only way of attaining full Krishna Consciousness in this age of kali yuga.

四个邻居把尸体抬到墓地,阿訇跟在后面,念诵一些祝祷词。Four neighbours carried the corpse to the burying-ground, following the imaun, who recited some prayers.

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“没有什么秘诀”我说,“我在用这串念珠念诵神的圣名,祂是所有快乐的储藏所。”"It's no secret" I said, "I'm chanting God's names on these beads. He is the reservoir of all pleasure. "

这张图片,仁波切正精力集中,专注于烟供的念诵和祈请。Here is Rinpoche, chanting and praying with deep concentration and strong focus during the smoke offering.

或者念诵曼陀罗让自己的大脑保持忙碌很重要吗?还是最好让脑海里一片空白?Is it important to recite a mantra to keep the mind occupied or is it better to empty the mind of all thoughts?