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小猪仔轻轻的晃着摇篮。The little pig rocked the cradle.

你找到了猪,还有小猪仔!You found the pig and piglets, too.

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一般说来,除小猪仔外,死亡率低下。Generally, mortality was low except in young piglets.

他尖叫着。“我会帮上忙的”但农夫拒绝了小猪仔。He squealed. "I'll help. "But the farmer turned his down.

小猪仔体重达100-120公斤就可以上市场拍卖。Piglets can be marketed when their weights reach 100-120 kg.

从猪仔到成猪需要5个月到1年的时间。It takes five months to a year to get piglets ready for slaughter.

统舱里,因生存环境异常恶劣,不时有猪仔死去。TongCang, because living environment abnormal bad, and sometimes parents died.

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如果香格莉哪天实在找不到食物,就可以来这个野猪洞随手抓一头小猪仔当食物。If you can not find food day in Hong Geli, since it can pick up a small hole boar pigs as food.

羔羊和女人都在外地猪仔的腰部山上,他们被顽皮和欢乐。Lambs and piggies were frolicking in the field at the waist of the mountain, they were naughty and joyful.

这是「菜包」,又叫做「猪笼粄」,以其外形有如装猪仔的竹笼而得名。为米做的外皮中包入菜肴。This is called "Steamed Vegetable Dumplings". Its skin is made of rice, and there are vegetables and meat inside.

肇庆在老锡工的遗物前赌咒,若不废弃猪仔币和劳工制度,就永不不回唐山。Zhaoqing at old tin work relics, if do not swear before abandoned pigs COINS and labor system, never back tangshan.

那么小瓦德就是个猪仔。杀了他能让弗雷和曼德利刀剑相向,真是狡猾,你。And Little Walder was a piglet. Killing him brought the Freys and Manderlys to dagger points, that was cunning, you.

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不服气的高某在二审期间居然申请对母猪和自家的猪仔做DNA鉴定。It is not convinced Gao in second trial period applies unexpectedly to the sow and own piglet makes the DNA appraisal.

面对当前的诸多艰难,肇庆回想起当猪仔时的种种阅历,心中重新鼓起了勇气。Facing the current many difficult, zhaoqing recall when parents when all sorts of experience, heart mustering up courage.

我用小额贷款买了3头猪仔正在育肥呢,再有三个月就能出栏卖了。I used my micro-credit loan to buy three piglets. They are growing healthily. I will be able to sell them in 3 months time.

一只看样子在锯末堆里打过滚的小猪仔,在巴黎举行的国际农业展览会上被人拍了下来。A piglet, who looks like it has been truffling through sawdust, is photographed in Paris during an international agricultural fair

所以,我想用这笔来之不易的资金抓几口猪仔喂喂,买育肥猪挣钱。Hence, I hope to use this precious sum of money to buy some pigs to breed and fatten, in order to eventually sell them to earn money.

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牛表示,奥运猪将选择受到严密监测的种猪母猪繁殖的猪仔,并且只喂养有机饲料,不会对它们使用类固醇。No steroids would be used on the Olympic pigs, which would be chosen from carefully monitored parents and only fed organically-grown feed, Mr Niu said.