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恩图曼干道上的大清真寺。Big Mosque on the main road of Omdurman.

那房子离干道有一段距离。The house stands back from the main rood.

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那家商店位于交通干道的后面。The store stands back from the main road.

这条路是主要交通干道。Blood was spouting from the severed artery.

车辆改道是因为干道上发生了交能事故。The traffic diversion was due to an accident on the mainroad.

加强望京干道与五环路的联系。Emphasize the link between Wangjing Road and the Fifth Ring Road.

有人主张限制在主要交通干道上汽车的数量。Some people advocated limiting the number of cars on the main road.

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他们驶入一条从干道分叉的小狭路。They drove down a narrow track that branched off from the main road.

浮桥为在这个繁忙的干道上创造了一个时尚的城市休闲步道。The bridges form a fashionable urban catwalk, hovering the busy artery.

报告还指出,许多人由于收入低而居住在交通干道附近。Many people who live near major roads fall into lower-income categories.

尽管距离交通干道很近,但是当你第一次走入小镇却感受到安静的氛围。Despite its proximity to the traffic, it gets quiet once you enter into town.

他们知道了到那市场的方向,那在主要干道的边上。They learned directions to the market, which sat adjacent to a main boulevard.

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在放射形干道之间建有两座对称的样式相同的教堂。In the radial roads built between the two symmetrical style of the same church.

定义超车换道流量与干道流量的比值为超车换道率。The ratio of overtaking flow to mainline flow was defined as the overtaking rate.

这座桥连接了汉堡自由港区与西部南速干道的支线。This structure connects the Hamburg Tree Port area with a western motorway bypass.

结论-居住于主要交通干道附近,可增加DVT的发病风险。Conclusions—Living near major traffic roads is associated with increased risk of DVT.

采用上海市内环线作为建立模型的对象,建立了区域干道交通量模型。As an instance of the area highway, Shanghai Inner- Ring Road stream- model was built.

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利德贺街原本属于A11干道的一部份,但今天已被降级成一条次要道路。Leadenhall Street was part of the A11, but has now been declassified and is a minor road.

这条路呈环状,在城外两公里处与干道会合。The road goes around in a loop and rejoins the main road about 2 kilometers past the town.

这条侧道与车来车往的东帝国干道平行,彼此之间的距离不到半英里。The service road ran parallel to the busy East Imperial Highway, less than half a mile away.