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背负着俗世的浮尘和愧罪。Guilty of dust and sin.

日本将要背负骂名。Japan would get the blame.

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背负式运输。The act of transporting piggyback.

渐渐的都不知道我背负暸多久。Gradually I do not know how long the bear.

就能清偿宿债?谁甘心背负重担。With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear.

他背负了起来,开始骑出城。He saddled up and started to ride out of town.

这个国家背负了巨额债务,痛不欲生。The country laboured under a massive debt burden.

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又是谁,涤荡了背负几世的罪。Who cleanses away her sin burdened for several ages?

我们必须背负补给品穿过森林。We shall have to backpack supplies through the woods.

作为一个局外者,你虽然有所背负,但也很快乐。You have the burden and the great joy of being outsiders.

但是,为什么,一切的罪过都要我来背负?But, why, any of their transgressions have asked me to bear?

银行发现自己背负一屁股坏账。Banks found themselves loaded down with non-performing loans.

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有谁还肯去做牛做马,背负着重担,在烦劳生活的压迫下呻吟和。Who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life.

长久以来,女人一直背负着“教化男人”的重任。WOMEN have long been saddled with the onus of “civilizing men.”

当一个男人选择安身立命,他背负着自己的一生。When a man walks into a room, he brings his whole life with him.

他们用自己背负的十字架搭在沟上,做成桥,从容不迫地跨越了沟壑。They put the cross on the trench as a bridge and went cross it easily.

但是这三个国家都背负了他们不可能还清的债务。But all three of them are saddled with debts they can’t possibly repay.

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坡也因背负赌债被维吉尼亚大学开除了学籍。He was expelled from the University of Virginia because of those debts.

在脚下,则有一长列蚂蚁背负着三角形的绿叶碎片。And at your feet is a swath of ants bearing triangular bits of green leaf.

过去两年中东方航空一直在亏损,并背负着巨额债务。China Eastern has bled money for the past two years and has crushing debts.