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我感到头晕。I feel lightheaded.

我觉得头晕。I feel light-headed.

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那么我头晕了没有呢?And did I feel giddy?

他鳡到很头晕。He's feeling very dizzy.

你感到虚弱和头晕吗?。D0 you feel weak and dizzy?

威士忌使他醉得头晕脑胀。The whisky got into his head.

他说华尔滋舞使他头晕。He said waltzes made him dizzy.

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我感觉有点头晕,我应该坐会。I feel giddy , I must sit down.

不久,他成了头晕目眩和头晕。Soon he became dizzy and faint.

吃那苹果醋会不会头晕呀?Eat that apple vinegar can giddy ah?

说不清。我喝醉了,头晕晕的。I'm not sure. I was confused. Drunk.

威士忌搞得我头晕脑胀的。My brain is a bit addled by whiskey.

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为什么现在我看到电脑就头晕,想吐?Why I see computer is giddy now, keck?

头晕,头昏眼花乃至昏厥dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting

头晕-感觉头昏眼花或无气力。Dizziness-feeling lightheaded or faint.

你头晕吗?我有多少个条纹?Are you woozy?How many stripes do I have?

头晕,全身发软,四肢无力,呕吐。Dizziness, weak body, weakness, vomiting.

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从昨晚开始。我就觉得冷和头晕。I feel chilly and dizzy since last night.

我有一些僵硬和头晕。I get stiff and get light-headed as well.

亚碧姬不断旋转,所以头晕了。Abigail spun around so much she got dizzy.