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安迪有一个难题。Andy has a problem.

这只狐狸有一个难题。The fox has a problem.

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这可是一个两头不能讨好的难题。It is a no-win dilemma.

那真是个难题。That is a real twister.

这只熊有一个难题。The bear has a problem.

这只老虎有一个难题。The tiger has a problem.

而Noboko并没有这些难题。Nabokov has none of that.

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这只猴子有一个难题。The monkey has a problem.

这只兔子有一个难题。The rabbit has a problem.

他解决难题很拿手。He's a good problem-solver.

人生是一道难题,解答它。Life is a puzzle — solve it.

你的难题终将解决。Your problem would be solved.

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我会试着解这道难题。I'll have a shot at the puzzle.

这是一个棘手的难题。This is an exasperating problem.

我终于把那道难题解出来了。I worked out the problem at last.

这可是个难题。Okay, that's a difficult question.

这道难题我们答错了。The difficult question tripped us.

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你应该勇敢地处理你的难题。You should face out your problems.

成年人扫盲是个难题。Adult literacy is a global problem.

这是金融界的一大难题It's a big complication in finance.