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亦真亦假,虚无缥缈It can true,it can be false,and so on.

忽闻海上有仙山,山在虚无缥缈间。Then he heard a sacred mountain in the sea.

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欢呼全是虚无缥缈的虚无缥缈,虚无缥缈与汝同在。Hail nothing full of nothing, nothing is with thee.

困恼着这孩子的感情乃是一种虚无缥缈的恐怖。The feeling which beset the child was one of dim uncertain horror.

拓海、晴美、有希这虚无缥缈的三角爱情如何终了?Sea, fine beauty extension, and the disembodied love triangle to end?

从用户角度看,本地应用更有吸引力,因为它给人以真实的存在感,存在云端的网络应用则让人感到虚无缥缈。From a user perspective, native apps are more appealing because of this.

但现在我有自己的中心原则,我已经克服了购买汽车那种虚无缥缈的幻想。But now I have core principles and I’ve overcome the status mirage of a car.

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但是这种理解是建立在虚无缥缈的网络之上的。But this kind of understanding is the establishment above the illusory network.

其弊病主要在于内容空疏、虚无缥缈,难以把握,使诗歌创作缺乏真情实感。The weakness lies in the emptiness of content, lacking in sincere true feelings.

年少时期,我只是停留在舞蹈那虚无缥缈的肤浅理解层面上。Young period, I just stay in the dance that poor understanding of illusory level.

连细娜这人也由咄咄逼人的实体褪成一个虚无缥缈的影子。Zeena herself, from an oppressive reality, had faded into an unsubstantial shade.

所以,电动汽车或混合动力车的未来是多么的虚无缥缈。Which is why the electric or hybrid cars of the future may sound so, well, futuristic.

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有些人生存于此中却从来没有感触到,但是,他知道统统都是虚无缥缈的,统统都是为了虚无缥缈,虚无缥缈,为了虚无缥缈。Some lived in it and never felt it but he knew it all was nada y pues nada y nada y pues nada.

梦的虚无缥缈、神秘体验的不可思议,都使吉本的“神秘”小说显得更加扑朔迷离。The intangibility of dreams and exploration of mysteries both make her novels more complicated.

然而,生活在大户人家,对小小的章含之而言,亲情总是显得虚无缥缈。However, lives in rich people, speaking of young Zhang Han, the dear ones always appear illusory.

在一个非常的记者招待会上,希格斯讲述了在我们周围看似虚无缥缈的世界里鲜无人知的发现。In a rare interview, Higgs tells the story of his unwitting discovery of something in the emptiness that surrounds us.

你是否一个人面对这些不堪的想法,因为这些念头都是虚无缥缈的云彩,瞬间即逝。Are you a person extremely in the face of these ideas, because these thoughts are disembodied cloud, and instant to die namely.

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作为一个虚无缥缈的维度,很难在空间的范畴内使它具象化也很难脱开它进行思考。It is so pervasive a dimension that it is difficult to objectify in spatial terms and difficult to consider apart from oneself.

现在更多的转会都缠绕在阿隆索的转会身上,但是卡拉格希望这些报道虚无缥缈。One of those linked with a summer exit is Spanish schemer Xabi Alonso, but Carragher hopes those reports prove wide of the mark.

鉴于更多经济积极发展状况早期迹象的显现,这些代理商有理由相信这种谨慎乐观态度并非虚无缥缈。These agents may have good cause for this cautious optimism as there are early indications of more positive economic conditions.