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而且,我们将趁早动手。And we’ll do it early.

人生苦短,趁早偷情。Life is short. Have an affair.

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我叔叔是一个趁早赶路的人。My uncle is a son of the morning.

出名要趁早。To be known as early as possible.

采摘含苞的玫瑰要得趁早。Gather ye rose-buds while you may.

读书不趁早,后来徒悔懊。To read without early and later ACTS regrets ao.

谁为他争论,趁早将谁治死。Whoever fights for him shall be put to death by morning!

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人家说,倘若趁早医治,这病是并不太严重的。It was not a serious disease anyway if you took it in time, they said.

不如趁早死了心罢,给一个未成年的女孩子甩了,那多丢脸!What a disgrace it would be if he were to be jilted by a teen-age girl!

其实,很早就发现了,我闷闷不乐,想趁早摆脱忧郁。I have realized my depression very early and wanted to nip it in the bud.

如果都是假的,把关于我记忆的词语改掉。让我趁早明白。If it's all fake, change the words I remember. Let me know as early as possible.

如果您有一些脊椎半脱位的情形,最好趁早做好脊椎保健。So, if you have subluxations, you could be a good candidate for chiropractic care.

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有经验的技术公司深知,要想取得成功就需要趁早发布你的技术,并且要经常重复修改。Savvy tech companies know the path to success is to release early and iterate often.

我毫无保留完全同意应对气候变化当趁早不赶晚。I agree without any reservation that climate change has to be tackled sooner that later.

她认为,“如果你认定你的伴偶有欺骗你的行为,那么还是趁早离婚,以免牵扯到不必要的麻烦。”If your spouse isn't trustworthy, she says, get a divorce and save yourself the trouble.

如果得出结论不能在实践中应用,趁早扔了。If the conclusions can not be applied in practice, better dump them when it is still early.

假使你的手内有四五筒,而再摸进七筒时,宜趁早打出为宜。If you have four or five cylinder, and then entered the seven barrel, it is advisable to play.

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为了我们的缘故以及他们的缘故,我希望欧洲人趁早改变进程。I hope, for our sake as well as theirs, that the Europeans will change course before it's too late.

颁奖时间要趁早——今年是芭芭拉·沃特斯第29年也是最后一次在颁奖礼前采访名人。Start It Earlier --This is Barbara Walters’ 29th –and last –year interviewing celebrities beforehand.

子元质问郑雨翔,会不会打消了报复蓝仕筠?而且他劝郑雨翔,让他趁早放手。Son yuan, query ZhengYuXiang, can dispel the LanShiJun revenge? And he advised ZhengYuXiang, let him time to let go.