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黑市指的是商品或货币的非法贸易。Black market is illegal trade in goods or money.

你可以在黑市上讨价还价。You can huckster over prices on the black market.

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繁荣的黑市帮助点燃了对苹果产品的狂热。A thriving black market helps fuel the Apple mania.

黑帮总在黑市购置攻击性兵器。Gangs are buying assault weapons on the black market.

这些限制还导致黑市交易。The restrictions also led many into black-market deals.

施洛瑟写道,黑市“总是会存在的。Black markets, Schlosser writes, 'will always be with us.

盗猎者一直在捕捞大麻哈鱼到黑市上去卖。Poachers have been netting salmon to supply the black market.

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目前好像还没有人抢购黑市的影片。So far, no one appears to be panic buying black-market movies.

他在暗中操纵毒品交易、黑市买卖以及其他犯罪活动。He stage-managed drugs sale, black-market operations and so on.

但只有很少一点砖真正用于砌碉堡,绝大部分都进了黑市。A few bricks went into pillboxes but most into the black market.

而一个伪造证件的黑市也应运而生。A black market has sprung up in fraudulent letters of completion.

网络罪犯们在黑市上出租他们的僵尸网络的使用权。Cybercriminals rent out use of their botnets on the black market.

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一只犀角在黑市上能卖几千英镑。A rhino horn can sell for thousands of pounds on the black market.

“一半的古巴人靠黑市为生,”他说话的时候带着种粗鲁的微笑。“Half of Cuba lives off the black market, ” he said with a gruff smile.

由于当局颁下禁令,助长了黑市交易,令到红玫瑰的黑市售价飙升。However, the ban resulted in a boost in price of red roses in the black-market.

腐败现象不止是有人把平价面包拿到黑市上高价出售。The corruption is not limited to selling subsidized wheat flour on the black market.

黑市交易与高价销售盛行,物价管理局难以控制。Black-marketing and overcharging grew to proportions far beyond OPA policing capacity.

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他还说,最近的法吉市就是因交易劫掠文物的黑市而臭名昭著。The nearest city, Farj, is notorious for a black market in looted antiquities, he said.

在北京的小胡同中,黑市迎合了建筑工人的需求。Around Beijing's small alleyways , an underground economy caters to construction workers.

黑市开始出现仿造的结婚证和出生证。Counterfeit marriage licenses and birth certificates began appearing on the black market.