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壳体中的木鱼石颗粒可定期更换。The wooden fish stone granules in the casing can be regularly replaced.

一组木鱼风铃,做成明信片,记录一段夏日午后的静慢时光。Forrest makes a postcard and wishes you a quiet and slowly afternoon in the summer of Shanghai.

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一支马来西亚的救援队伍进入了靠北部的木鱼镇。A Malaysian rescue team in the town of Muyu, further north, sifted slowly and methodically through the wreckage.

将调味料加入木鱼汤中煮热,撞入蛋液并边撞边打透,隔去泡沫。Add the seasonings to the dried turbot stock and boil. Keep stirring the stock while pouring in the eggs. Skim the bubbles.

首先准备拜访的是江、浙、沪三地年龄最长的杭州灵隐寺方丈木鱼大师。In the area of Jiang, Zhe, Hu, the oldest abbot of Hangzhou Lingyin Temple—Master Muyu was on the priority of the visit agenda.

于豆腐面依次浇上酱汁,洒?花,最后铺上炒芝麻、紫菜条及木鱼丝,即可食用。Pour sauce onto beancurd and sprinkle with spring onion. Place stir fried sesame seeds, laver and shredded bonito on top. Serve.

本实用新型是一种木鱼石矿化芯,它由壳体和木鱼石颗粒组成。The utility model relates to a wooden fish stone mineralized core, which is composed of a casing and wooden fish stone granules.

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CM石材系列雕刻机主要用于大理石、花岗岩、玻璃、木鱼石等硬材料的雕刻切割。CM serious stone engraving machine is mainly used in the engraving of the hard materials such as marble, granite, glass, stone etc.

大家各念各的经,各敲各的木鱼,观世音菩萨前面的净水瓶也没人添水,花草干枯萎缩了。Everybody read by all of the knock, all the fish, sound bodhisattva net bottle front is not add water, flowers and plants sere atrophy.

本公司木鱼石茶具均为手工雕刻而成,保持木鱼石自然纹理与色泽,古朴,大方,自然而又别具风韵。The Company Muyu tea are hand- carved out and maintain Muyu natural stone texture and color, simple, generous, unique natural and Charm.

海宁斜桥等地则由僧尼捧观音木像,敲木鱼磬钹沿街求雨。Haining bridge of Buddhist monks and nuns hailed by the Goddess of Mercy and other places, like wood, Qiao Muyu rain chime cymbals street.

青川木鱼中学一栋三层宿舍楼在地震中垮塌,285名午睡的学生被埋在废墟下。A three-storied residential building at the Muyu Middle School in Qingchuan County collapsed in the quake, burying 285 students who were taking noon nap.

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美好的事物总是令人心旷神怡,树、花儿、木鱼、祭台、石块、寺庙中的一切似乎都蕴含着深意。The beautiful things are always a pleasure to look at. Trees, flowers, temple blocks, sacrificial altar, stones, all the things in the temple are profound.

首先准备拜访的是江、浙、沪三地年龄最长的杭州灵隐寺方丈木鱼大师。The first person they intended to visit was Master Muyu, then the abbot of Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, who was the eldest among Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai.

他每日挑水、唪经、敲木鱼,给观世音菩萨案桌上的净水瓶添水,夜间不让耗子来偷物品,生存过得稳当自在。He is, FengJing daily, qiaomuyu, to the table is a combination of pu gaza case net bottles of water, add by night to steal items, let mice live at ease have be guided.

辽阳市木鱼石大市场、襄平贸易城自行车停车场超标准收取存车费,被责令立即整改。Liaoyang City, a large wooden fish stone market, Xiangping trade city bicycle parking charges that exceed the standard fare deposit, was ordered immediate rectification.

经历千百万年的漫长岁月,形成的“腹中天地阔”的龙潭洞庞大空间---地下天楼、天桥楼、鹊巢楼、月牙楼、海螺宫、潮夕潭、木鱼潭等地下暗湖溶潭。So it has many underground dark lake dissolve pools, such as underground sky building, overpass floor, magpie nest floor, crescent floor, conch palace, tide tam, fish pond and so on.

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青川木鱼中学一栋三层宿舍楼在地震中垮塌,285名午睡的学生被埋在废墟下。另有139人逃脱。A three-storied residential building at the Muyu Middle School in Qingchuan County collapsed in the quake, burying 285 students who were taking noon nap. Another 139 students escaped.