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我问他,“那么哪儿才是谷底呢?”"Where's the bottom?" I asked him.

不管是一飞冲天还是跌入谷底,至少,你尝试过!Whether you fail or fly, at least you tried.

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你使我的大脑迷离坠入思维谷底。You boggle my mind and you make me go blind.

这之后,对我来说,课程的事降到了谷底。After that, for me, the course went downhill.

山谷底筑起一道68米高的堤坝。The dam rises 68 metres from the valley floor.

她在下面的谷底桥,捕彩球鱼呢。She is down at Bottom Bridge, fishing for Plimpies.

皓月当空,微风轻轻吹过谷底。The moon is lightening, the breeze is blowing the valley.

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每一座山都有巅峰,每一个峡谷都有谷底。Every mountain has a peak. Every valley has its low point.

地球上的听众听到静海谷底倒计时的声音。Listeners on Earth heard the countdown from Tranquility Base.

每座山都有山顶,每个山谷都有谷底,生活就是上上下下。Every mountain has a peak. Every valley has its base. Life has.

河流形成新的河曲,在谷底逶迤流淌。The river forms new meanders that curve along the valley floor.

小山谷底下,蜿蜒着一条灰而静的河。Below in the little valley the still gray serpentine of a river.

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大学毕业后的低潮期,我的生活好像一下子跌入了谷底。In my post-university slump, I felt like my life was in the drain.

就像是人如果踏错一步,就可能会掉到谷底是一样的。It just like if people miss one step, he or she will possibly fall.

坚持这一点在谷底可以调整到90度。That point sticking out at the bottom can be adjusted up to 90 deg.

跌入谷底是件好事,因为这时只有“向上”一条路可走。Hitting bottom is a good thing, because there's nowhere to go but up.

董建华的民望在七一游行后跌至谷底。Mr Tung's popularity sank to an all-time low after the July protests.

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“全球所有国家的金融业无一幸免,全部从悬崖堕入谷底。”他说。、"Activity in every country around the world fell off a cliff," he says.

随着员工总数持续下降,销售跌到谷底,随后开始温和地上升。Sales bottomed, then began to rise gently, as headcounts continued falling.

皓月当空,微风轻轻吹过谷底。Bright moon in the sky, breeze blew gently through the bottom of the valley.