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认识一年之后,我们喜结伉俪。A year after we met, we married.

王室伉俪身穿艳服出现。The royal couple appeared in splendid array.

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上周我们公司两对情人结为伉俪。Two pairs of lovers coupled in wedlock in our company last week.

让我们透过网页,一同向高锟教授伉俪送上最诚挚的祝福!Let us all send our very best regards to them through the website.

现在他和妻子被称为温莎公爵伉俪。Now he and his wife would be called the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

相比之下,她会与自己的出版商坠入爱河,并结成伉俪。More surprisingly, she would fall in love with and marry her publisher.

你的孩子看到了你们伉俪彼此鹣鲽情深的样子吗?Do your children see you and your spouse being affectionate with one another?

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在丈夫回来的时候,心意相通的伉俪意识到,这才是他们想要的生活。When he returned they both suddenly realized they wanted to change their life.

鳄鱼爵士和他和夫人这一对情深伉俪也住在同一条河里。A high-class couple was living next to the same river — Sir Crocodile and Lady Crocodile.

贤伉俪于六福村野生动物园与人猿同乐。Premier and Mrs. Yu had fun watching the monkeys on a trip to Leofoo Village Safari Park.

我们尊重高锟教授伉俪回复平静生活的意愿。We all respect the wish of Prof and Mrs Kao for a return to a quiet and undisturbed life.

伉俪情深让我们的生命变得有价值,并为我们的生活注入快乐与活力。Relationships are what make life worth living. They put the excitement and zest into our lives.

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与此同时,奥巴马夫妇得到的礼物是放在银制相框中的,呃,女王伉俪的照片,这是王室惯例。Meanwhile, the Obamas got the customary silver framed photograph of, er, the Queen and her husband.

尽管这是一个很有诱惑力的观点,但其他总统伉俪也有既相亲相爱又相敬如宾的。While this is a seductive viewpoint, other Presidential couples have been both loving and respectful.

布什伉俪更注重隐私,不过他们之间的相互关爱和赞赏也是一目了然的。And while George W. and Laura Bush are more private, their mutual caring and admiration seems evident.

革命伉俪,抗战第一,人民第一,工作第一,而对骨肉,爱莫能及。Revolution and his wife, the first war, the people first, work first, while the flesh, love and monensin.

目下现古,一圆怙恃为伉俪采办的房产将正在离婚时保存其独立的统统权。Now, the partner whose parents bought the property for the couple will retain sole ownership in a divorce.

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衷心祝福贤伉俪,情切切,意绵绵,百年偕老,永浴爱河。Heartfelt blessings Xiankang Li, the situation Qieqie, Italy, followed, a hundred years Xielao, Wing Bath in love.

或许现代生活中的大多数人都认为这不过是天方夜谭,结果却是俩人最终结为伉俪,执手偕老。Perhaps most of people in the modern society think that may be incredible thing. However, they got married finally. Why?

他讲,此公寓为婚后所购,是以将视其为王的怙恃给伉俪的一件礼品。The apartment was purchased after marriage, he says, so it should be viewed as a gift from Wang's parents to the couple.