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什么营地?What camps?

现在我们回到了营地。Now we’re back at camp.

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我离营地有多远"How far am I from camp?"

我正站在新标准的营地里”。I'm in the New Normal camp.

那些男人在营地的周围不停地走动。The men move around the camp.

士兵在黎明时撤离了营地。The soldiers decamped at dawn.

网络销售训练营地过5关A 5-Step Sales Training Workshop

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去年我住过摩洛哥山里的贝多因营地,上周我还要徒步行走蒙古。Next week, I'm trekking in Mongolia.

苏丹西达尔富尔州国内流离失所者营地**Sudan, West Darfur State IDP camps **

他们在营地支起了一顶帐篷。They put up a tent in the camp field.

圣骑士训练营地被摧毁。The Paladin training camp is destroyed.

侏儒晃回了营地的木凳上。The dwarf rocked back on the camp stool.

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大雾开始弥漫,渐渐包围了营地。The fog began to envelop the campground.

他们把犯人集合起来带到营地。They herded the prisoners into the camp.

Cohn作为职员“营地妈妈”一同前来。Cohn came along as staff, the "Camp Mom."

麦琪跟着一个吉普赛步行到了他们的营地。Maggie tramped with a gypsie to their camp.

这个营地是单独由女人经营的。The camp site is maintained solely by women.

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他们肯定会前往科拉希营地的军械库。They'll head to the armory at Camp Currahee.

在这个营地,只有军官集中用膳。In this camp,only the officers mess together.

各省市都有自己的劳改营地。Each city and province maintains its own camp.