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乏味的演讲让我呵欠连天。Boring lectures make me yawn.

一切全是土色的,连天也一样。Everything was dirt-colored, even the sky.

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天连水,水连天,浩浩荡荡,无边无际。Days even water, the sky, a mighty, boundless.

为此曾经战火连天,无辜民众惨遭屠杀。Wars have been waged. Innocents have been slaughtered.

呵欠连天的流浪汉们来了精神,就像狮子看见了饲养员。The yawning tramps brisked up like lions at feeding-time.

你家的电梯时连天带夜的“上上下下地享受”啊?Are the elevators in your home going all day and all night?

可知,睡眠不足容易导致的症状不只是睡眼朦胧和哈欠连天。However, too little shut-eye causes more than bleary eyes and big yawns.

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他们的一系列候选人让人呵欠连天、提不起一点精神,根本没带来过激情或得到支持。Their assorted candidates induced sleep and yawns, not cheers of support.

天连水,水连天,远处就是刚刚升起的太阳。And in the distance is the rising sun. At this moment, He Bo feels terribly ashamed.

估计当我完成整个系列时,我一定都“不知有汉无论魏晋”,周围一圈刀叉餐具,呼噜连天了。I figure by the end of this entire series I'll be living in a cave, surrounded by tools and grunting.

我正惬意地临窗而坐,眺望远山如黛,碧海连天。I am now at a very pleasant cottage window looking onto a beautiful hilly country, with a view of the sea.

他们连过完一天都痛苦不堪,每当他们开口讲话,总是抱怨连天。They seem to drag themselves through the days, and whenever they speak, they are complaining about something.

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所以真正的世尊门徒,他们是连天都不愿去的,因为天上仍有程度不同的七情六欲。Therefore, real disciples of Buddha even are reluctant to go heaven because there still are weak various desires.

从诗中,你可想像出在烈日下,夏荷碧叶红花,别具风采,连天接地,磊落大方。From the poem, you can imagine in the hot sun, Xia Hebi Ye Honghua, a unique style, even ground, unanticipated generosity.

碧波荡漾波光粼粼,浩瀚无垠壮阔连天是从书本里读到的大海,也是我对大海的美好想象。Rippling blue waves sparkling, the vast boundless vast groaning read from the books of the sea, is what I imagine a better sea.

近日,荷兰女警察们对发放给她们的新衬衫抱怨连天,因为这款新警服太过透明,以至于能清楚地显露出她们穿在�面的胸罩。Women police officers in the Netherlands have complained about being issued with see-through blouses as part of their uniforms.

画面显示,当奥巴马讲话时,这名男孩却难抑困乏、哈欠连天。The boy was sitting behind Obama as the president delivered the commencement speech at a Michigan high school's graduation ceremony.

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许多年轻人都可以在网上看到任何他们想看的外国节目,对于广电总局的“复古”法令,他们的反应是呵欠连天和随口挖苦。With access to any foreign programme they want online, many have reacted with yawns and sarcastic asides to SARFT's throwback edict.

不远处,小坪水库碧波连天,茶坊清香四溢。山、林、水、岩共同构筑出一片广袤的湖光山色。Not far away, lies the cool and blue Xiao Ping reservoir with its ripples playing in the sunshine and the faint scent of the tea house.

额,我也不知道带上两个怨声连天的孩子在车后座的假期会是怎么样的,但至少可以换换眼前风景了。Well, I don't know how much vacation would be with two whining children in the back of the car, but at least it will be a change of scene.