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备注Remarks电线切割器和剥线器内藏。The cutter and stripped wire inside a thread.

请參阅下页之套票备注。Please refer to next page for package remarks.

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转换已取消。请调整备注块大小。Conversion canceled. Adjust the memo BLOCKSIZE.

以下是有关程序结构的备注。Following are some remarks on the program structure.

在任一种情况下,您都可以标记您的批准或添加备注。In either case, you can mark your approval or add notes.

请参阅下页之套餐详情及备注。Please refer to next page for package details & remarks.

吴教授将备注检验交给他的女儿吴敏。Professor wu will note inspection to his daughter, wu min.

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好的,我将把它们写在备注栏下。All right. I'll put them down underbeneath the remarks column.

需要特殊安排者请在“备注”栏注明。Please fill the details on the Remarks for any special request.

拍下时请备注所需的尺寸,谢谢。Please wirte down the size you need when make order, Thank you.

购置时请备注需求的色彩,谢谢。Please wirte down the color you need when make order, Thank you!

翻译为请附上标题的备注从首席运营官查阅。Attached please find the captioned memo from COO for your perusal.

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其他需要说明事项填入备注栏。Other matters needing to state can be filled in the remarks column.

宿舍方面需要特别安排者,请于备注栏内说明。Please specify any special accommodation needs in the note section.

研究的资助信息可以放在“备注”栏中。Information on the funding of a study could be included under 'notes'.

Felix采用备注卡片和纸片夹来捕捉和组织他的灵感和想法。Felix uses note cards and paper clips to capture and organize his ideas.

出口许可证备注栏内应当注明“货样”字样。The word "Sample" should be indicated in remarks column of export license.

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还可以直接在设计列表中设置名称、别名和备注。You can also set the name, alias, and comment directly in the design list.

如果被保险人为未成年人,请在备注栏填写开户人姓名。If the insured is minor, the name of the account owner is required to be filled.

其次,用户可以编辑、删除或者增加备注。Secondarily, a user can edit, delete, or supplement this information with notes.