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这是一张相片。This is a imagin.

我讨厌那张相片!I hate that picture!

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这张相片是凯特的。The imagin is Kate's.

照过最后一张相片。Are taken a picture of.

你能够冲印出很不错的8x10规格的相片。You can print a nice 8x10.

这是我最喜欢的相片。This is my favorite imagin.

这张相片是在2004年拍的。This photo was take in 2004.

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照过最后一张相片。Are taken a memorable picture of.

卢克给全家照了张相片。Luke took a picture of his family.

相片印得不好。The photograph didn' t print well.

你能给我们照张相片吗?当然,笑一笑。Could you take our picture, please?

我只有一张古城堡的相片。I have one picture of an old castle.

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相片来自迈克尔.米亚莫托Photograph courtesy Michael Miyamoto

这是一张世界冠军的相片。Here's a picture of the world champs.

没有相片在红色的粗绳之前请!!!NO PHOTOS by the red rope please! ! !

我讨厌那张相片!头发真的是太长了。I hate that picture! My hair is sobig.

我们要采购相片框架和相簿。We want to buy Photo Frames and Albums.

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他把相片镶入像框内。He fitted the photograph into the frame.

她出现在现场拍摄的多张相片中。She appears in many photos of the scene.

我们的第一不游泳模糊的钓相片!Our first un-blurred swimming fish photo!