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有五种运输模式—汽运、铁运、水运、空运和管道运输。There are five transportation modes—motor, rail, air, water, or pipeline.

日野公司每隔一天还收到从日本水运而来的零件。The company typically gets a shipment of gears from Japan every other day.

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铁路、公路、水运以及市内交通四通八达。Its railways, highways and waterways can reach to any places in all directions.

因此,经微电解中和处理的出水运用于选矿工艺是完全可行的。The flotation index of the treated water was similar to that of the pure water.

这一进展的取得是因为406-14号水运法获得通过,批准为该项目提供资金。The development came as part of funding for a waterways bill that passed 406-14.

初步形成干支衔接的水运网。A water transport network connecting trunk and branch lines has been established.

水下炸礁爆破在水运工程中有着广泛的应用。Underwater reef blasting has been extensively employed in marine traffic engineering.

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每天晚上三个小时,靠昂贵的卡车运水运到镇上临时解决居民用水问题。Three hours of water each evening was temporarily provided to residents by expensively trucking water in.

决议草案内容包括检查通过空运或水运进出朝鲜的可疑货物。A draft resolution calls for inspections of suspicious cargo going in and out of North Korea by air and sea.

运输代理包括航空和水运转运公司,托运人联盟和运输经纪人。Transport agencies include air and surf ace freight forwarders, shippers associations and transport brokers.

桥巩水电站位于红水河下游,是该河流的重要水运段。Qiaogong Hydropower Station falls on the lower reach of Hongshui river, the key river section for navigation.

文章以衡水地区咸水运移为例对该方法作了详细说明。The paper explains in detail the method with the example of saline water migration in the Hengshui region of Hebei.

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铁路和水运的得分基本相等,但是空运分值最差,比货运对气候的影响要大至少42倍。Rail scored nearly as well, but airplanes scored far worse, affecting climate up to 42 times more than trucking did.

堆石渗流是水利、水运和海洋工程中常见到的问题。Rockfill seepage constantly is considered in rockfill structure of the hydraulic and waterway and ocean engineering.

运用水量平衡模型和HYDRUS-1D模型对农田土壤水运移动态进行研究。In this paper, the water balance model and HYDRUS -1D model were used to study the process of the soil water dynamic.

不同材料灌水器和土壤质地是影响灌溉系统出水流量及土壤水运移的重要因素。The emitter materials and soil textures are important factors in the water movements in soils and the flux of NPI system.

水运虽然较慢,但十分稳定,特别是对于大量的较重的货物。Water transport, though slow, remained a steady and valuable method of moving freight, particularly bulky or heavy cargo.

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近年来,我国水运事业蓬勃发展,码头向大型化、专业化方向发展。In recent years, China Water Transport is growing rapidly and dock has expanded with macro-scale operations and specialization.

他说,分析结果表明“还有一个迹象表明火星历史上的某个时期曾有液体水运动。”The results were "one more piece of evidence that there was liquid water action at some point in the history of Mars", he said.

水运业的发展,也对港航管理体制的改革提出新的要求。Therefore, the new situation of waterway transportation development asks new reform of port and waterway administration set-up.