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寄主植物种类。The species of host plants.

她的兴趣种类不多。Her interest lacked variety.

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火山作用和火山的种类。Volcanism and volcanic types.

笔尖或有固定种类的钢笔尖。A penholder and its pen point.

谷物和面粉都是种类物。Grain and flour are fungibles.

我喜欢这些种类的书籍。I lomm-e these types of books.

形状广泛,种类丰富。Shape of a broad, species-rich.

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潜行者有几个种类。Stalkers come in several types.

藜麦有很多种类。There are many kinds of quinoa.

许多种类叶腋有卷须。Many have tendrils in leaf axils.

我最喜欢的音乐种类是蓝调。My favorite music genre is blues.

这些种类的鞋子最漂亮。These kinds of shoes are chicest.

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你们有什么种类的浓汤呢?What kind of potage do you serve?

你喜欢什么种类的月饼?What kind of mooncake do you like?

调解器种类有多少?。How many types of modems are there?

都有什么种类的扎啤?What kind of draft beer do you have?

有没有其他种类的漱口液?。Do you have mouthwash of other kinds?

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我觉得这间书局种类跟别家不太一样…I think you will like this bookstore.

它当然限制了我的工作种类。It absolutely limits what work I get.

有些种类的食物使人口渴。Some kinds of food makes one thirsty.