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在春天因为融化的雪水很多小溪都涨满了。In spring the brooks would run high with meltwater.

这里看不到冰雪的迹象,只有融化的雪水裹挟着泥沙顺流而下。There's no sign of ice, just a river roiling with silt-laden melt.

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泰勒冰河,冰川鼻因铁矿而呈红色,融化的雪水缓缓流入邦尼湖。Taylor Glacier, its snout reddened by iron, drains into Lake Bonney.

雨使雪化成了雪水,搞得山边景色黯然无趣。The rain turned the snow to slush and made the mountain-side dismal.

容话蹬雪水如琴布般沿着山崖边泻呻河里。The flow of melted snow cascaded down mountainside and into the river.

消溶的雪水如瀑布般沿着山崖边泻入河里。The flow of melted snow cascaded down the mountainside and into the river.

乾旱炎热消没雪水.阴间也如此消没犯罪之辈。Drought and heat consume the snow waters, So does Sheol those who have sinned.

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她在冬天收集了许多雪水,准备夏天用来降暑。She collected lots of snow water in winter so as to reduce the heat in summer.

小兔醒过来发现是雪孩子救了她,痛哭着扑倒在融化的雪水中。The rabbit woke up is the snow kids saved her, crying into the melted snow water.

现在开始,喜马拉雅山的登山者被告知不要饮用高海拔地区的雪水。For now, hikers in the Himalayas are advised not to drink melted snow at altitudes.

所以,当所有雪融化融化后,雪水会帮助缓解一些干旱问题。So when all this snow melts, the water could help relieve some of those drought issues.

小明把被雪水弄湿了的帽子放在暖气片上,很快就烘干了。Xiao Ming put his cap, made wet by the snow and water, on the radiator. It soon became dry.

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那融化的雪水从峭壁断崖上飞泻下来,象千百条闪耀的银练。The streams of melting snow that rush down over the crags are like so many silver necklaces.

白水河的水是来源于玉龙雪山融化的雪水。The water of White Water River is from the melted snow water of Yulong snow capped mountain.

一份学术报告声称这个由融化了的雪水汇成的湖泊是喜马拉雅区域内成长得最快的。A 2009 study described this lake of melt water as one of the fastest-growing in the Himalaya.

坎儿井的水源就是山上的雪水经过渗漏流砾石层里的潜水。Karez water is leaking through the mountain snow water flow inside the gravel layer of diving.

堪察加自然保护区产卵用的河流和湖泊因为雪水融化,熊无法接近。Melted snow made spawning rivers and lakes of Kronotsky Nature Reserve inaccessible for bears.

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他的话语里有一种稳定的滴滴滴的停顿,就像从他斗篷上滑落的雪水滴落在地板上一样。A steady drip-drip-drip punctuated his words as snowmelt ran off his cloak to puddle on the floor.

任何以前的延误会像阳光之下的雪一样迅速融化,而成为你们都会享受的盖亚之雪水。Any previous delay will melt like snow in the sun into the new waters of Gaia for you all to enjoy.

报纸将吸收并处存鞋子上带来的雨水或雪水,这样可以保护你的地板。The newspaper will soak up and hold moisture from rain or snow-covered boots and protect your floors.